Social media
- π₯ Engineer: FullCam - Fulltime Gestora de Dados Ltda
- πͺ CEO Fintech: Mexpenses - Saia das planilhas e venha ter um brilho financeiro
- π€ Contributor in the global pandemic: CoronavΓrus | Estado de SΓ£o Paulo
- π€ Contributor Open Source: The Only Ducks
- π Brazil, GarΓ§a SP - 22 years
- π¬
Β Hector Silva#6727
import {memo} from 'react';
import {render} from "react-dom";
const AboutMe = memo(() => {
return (
<h1 className="title">My work</h1>
<ul className="about">
<li>Payment gateways</li>
<li>Landing Pages</li>
<li>New features</li>
<li>Bug fixes</li>
<li>Code review</li>
<p className="description">
Programming since was 16 years old and currently 21 years,
have technical english and almost 5 years of professional
experience in web programming, I am always looking to learn,
improve and learn about new technologies on the current market,
so that I can apply this knowledge aiming for a stable
architecture and excellent quality in your services.
Sorry for my english, i'm improving :)
}, (_prevProps, _nextProps) => {
return true;
π template-zoom-javascript
A Mouse-Follow Zoom Functionality on Hover with Examples in React and Vanilla JS
βοΈ Autores: @Hector Silva
π templates-observables
An Observer is a consumer of values delivered by an Observable. Observers are simply a set of callback functions.
Learn more about RxJS.
βοΈ Authors: @Hector Silva @Giovane Santos
π micromailer
API with Node.js to allow easy sending of emails with the Nodemailer module.
βοΈ Authors: @Hector Silva
- "covid brasil"
- "covid [cidade]"
- "covid [sigla: estado]"
βοΈ Authors: @Hector Silva
π website-etecmam
[Final paper] Application for viewing courses, subjects and administration of the institution.
π 2019
Etec Monsenhor Antonio Magliano.
βοΈ Authors: @Hector Silva @Diogo AlvesΒ
π See more repositories...