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Helikar Lab Personal edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to CancerDiscover!

Purpose: The purpose of this pipeline tool is to convert raw CEL file data into Attribute-Relation File Format for cancer sample classification and biomarker discovery.

This README file will serve as a guide for using this software tool. We suggest reading through the entire document at least once, in order to get an idea of the options available, and how to customize the pipeline to fit your needs.

Software Requirement: Before installing CancerDiscover, make sure you have the necessary software packages installed. Hardware Requirements: You will need a computer with at least 230 MB of memory to store the CancerDiscover pipeline.

System Requirements: You will need current or very recent generations of your operating system. Linux, Unix, MacOS

Downloading CancerDiscover: From your web browser, go to the GitHub website link (). It is important to note that you may have to install other Unix commands such as the command “source” and the larger software package Perl. Both are necessary for the pipeline to function.

Directory Structure of the Pipeline: After installation of CancerDiscover, notice inside the CancerDiscover directory there are several empty directories and one which contains all of the scripts necessary to process data. DataFiles directory contains raw CEL files and sampleList.txt file Outputs repository contains “resultsSummary.txt” file which will have the summary of the model accuracies as well as information regarding the context which gave the highest accuracy. Scripts directory contains all of the source code Models repository contains all of the classification models Temp directory contains intermediate files that are generated as part of the execution of the pipeline Feature Selection directory contains the feature selection algorithm output files and two nested directories for arff file generation, namely Chunks and ArffPreprocessing Chunks contains different threshold feature sets ArffPreprocessing directory contains the feature vectors in arff format. Feature vectors made here are split into training and testing datasets in their respective directories. Train is the repository of the training data for the modeling Test is the repository of the testing data for model testing SampleData is a directory which contains 10 sample CEL files and their associated sampleList.txt file Logs is a directory which contains the elapsed time in seconds for each leg of the pipeline from initialization through model testing. CompletedExperiments When the pipeline has finished running, the above directories which contain experimental data will be moved into this directory. This a directory will act as a repository of old experiment files organized by a time-stamp which reads Year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds; in that order

Execution of Pipeline: In the command line, your first step will be to place your raw CEL file data into the DataFiles Directory. Next, in the DataFiles directory you will need to make a two column CSV (comma separated file) called "sampleList.txt" in the first column write the name of each CEL file, and in the second column write the class identifier to be associated with that sample.

If you are using the sample data, enter the SampleData directory, enter the command cp * ../DataFiles This command will copy all of the data and sampleList.txt files in the SampleData directory to the DataFiles directory.

Initialization: Once you have finished making the sampleList.txt file in the DataFiles directory, please go inside the “Scripts” directory to execute the next steps of the pipeline. There are two versions of the pipeline, BASH, and SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management). SLURM is a computational architecture used to organize user requests into a queue to utilize super-computer resources. Slurm requires no kernel modifications for its operation and is relatively self-contained. Depending on your access to a SLURM scheduler, you will use one or another set of scripts. If you do have access to a SLURM scheduler you will execute the scripts ending in “.slurm”. Otherwise, you will use the scripts ending in “.bash”. Due to the complexity of data manipulation, and/or the sheer size of your data, it is recommended to use a supercomputer. Now, in the scripts directory, edit the file called “Configuration.txt”, to make any changes desired for processing your data including the normalization method, the size of data partitions, and which feature selection and classification algorithms are to be executed. The default settings for normalization are: Normalization method="quantiles", Background correction method="rma", Pm value correction method="pmonly", Summary method="medianpolish" The default setting for data partitioning is 50:50. The default setting for feature selection algorithms will perform all possible feature selection algorithm options. You can find the list of feature selection methods and their associated file names in the “Scripts” directory in the file named “featureSelectionAlgorithms.lookup”. The default setting for classification algorithms will generate models using the following algorithm options; the Decision Tree, IBK, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine. If you wish to use other classification algorithms than the ones provided, refer to the WEKA resources at In the configuration file, you will also need to write in the absolute path. This path should end in CancerDiscover; for example, a directory path might look like: work/userGroup/userMember/data/CancerDiscover

cd ../Scripts bash initialization.bash

Normalization: The purpose of the above script is to perform normalization on raw CEL data and generate the Expression set matrix. For other options, refer to

bash masterScript_1.bash (For SLURM users, sbatch masterScript_1.slurm)

Feature Selection: After normalization is complete, you will have a single file called “ExpressionSet.txt” in your DataFiles directory. The next step is to build a master feature vector file using the ExpressionSet.txt file. The next command you use will build this master feature vector file for you using the ExpressionSet.txt file, as well as perform data partitioning, or divide the master feature vector file into two parts; training and testing. The program will then perform feature selection using only the training portion of the master feature vector. Additionally, you can find the list of feature selection methods and their associated file names in the “Scripts” directory in the file named “featureSelectionAlgorithms.lookup”.

The default setting for data partitioning is 50/50, meaning the master feature vector file will be split evenly into training and testing data sets while retaining approximately even distributions of your sample classes between the two daughter files. To achieve a larger split, such as 80/20 for training/testing, in the configuration file, Configuration.txt, replace the 2 with a 5. This will tell the program to perform 5 folds, where the training file will retain 4 and the testing file will retain a single fold or 20% of the master feature vector data.

The default setting for feature selection will perform all possible forms of feature selection available unless otherwise specified in the “configuration.txt” file. If you wish to change these feature selection options, in the “Scripts” directory you will need to edit the file named “configuration.txt”. Simply write “TRUE” next to all of the feature selection methods you wish to perform and “FALSE” if you do not want that method performed. Additionally, you can find the list of feature selection methods and their associated file names in the “Scripts” directory in the file named “ featureSelectionAlgorithms.lookup”.

bash masterScript_2.bash (For SLURM users, sbatch masterScript_2.slurm)

Once feature selection has been completed, new feature vectors are made based on the ranked lists of features. The new feature vectors will be generated based on your threshold selections, and immediately used to build and test classification models using a classification algorithm of your choosing. Lastly, the directories will be reset, and your old directories and files will be placed in the “CompletedExperiments” followed by a time-stamp.

The last lines of the masterScript_3 scripts will move the content of the “DataFiles” to “CompletedExperiments” so the new experiment will run in DataFiles directory. You can find all raw data, feature selection outputs, training and testing feature vectors, models, and model results in the “CompletedExperiments” directory followed by a time-stamp. To run experiments with new data, begin with step 1.

bash masterScript_3.bash (For SLURM users, sbatch masterScript_3.slurm)

Feedback: Greyson Biegert

Akram Mohammed

Jiri Adamec

Tomas Helikar