Simple to Medium-complexity iOS proof-of-concept apps.
Open Settings (CMD + ,
), go to the Text Editing tab, under Display, check
Page guide at column: 100 (change the editable field to 100).
Under Themes, select your theme of preference, then Shift or CMD select all of the code symbol entries on the right, then change all the fonts to "Menlo", which is much better than the default system Mono font.
You need to go to Product > Destination > Destination Architecture and enable the Show Both option.
Then from the main XCode IDE Destination selection dropdown (top-center), you must choose a "Rosetta" option.
Frameworks can be viewed by selecting the main application object in the workspace Project Navigator viewer on the left, then clicking on the Build Phases tab, then expanding the Link Binary With Libraries expander, and then clicking the Plus (+) button in the bottom-left of the expander component.
Frameworks are similar to Artifact Dependencies declared in Gradle build files, for the Android ecosystem. These are like quick tools and plugins you can import into your project, and are ready-to-use. Some example Frameworks that are built-in and preconfigured for the XCode ecosystem:
- AudioToolbox.framework
- AVKit.framework
- CarPlay.framework
- IdentityLookup.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
- SpriteKit.framework
The Link Binary With Libraries window also allows you to select
Libraries such as:
- libswiftExtensionKit.tbd
- libswiftMetal.tbd
- libxml2.tbd