This is the code repository of book Data Structures & Algorithms using Javascript.
About The Book
- This textbook provides in depth coverage of various Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Concepts are discussed in easy to understand manner.
- Large number of diagrams are provided to grasp concepts easily.
- Time and Space complexities of various algorithms are discussed.
- Helpful for interviews preparation and competitive coding.
- Large number of interview questions are solved.
- Javascript solutions are provided with input and output.
- Guide you through how to solve new problems in programming interview of various software companies.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 0: How to use this book.
- Chapter 1: Algorithms Analysis
- Chapter 2: Approach to solve algorithm design problems
- Chapter 3: Abstract Data Type & Javascript Collections
- Chapter 4: Searching
- Chapter 5: Sorting
- Chapter 6: Linked List
- Chapter 7: Stack
- Chapter 8: Queue
- Chapter 9: Tree
- Chapter 10: Priority Queue
- Chapter 11: Hash-Table
- Chapter 12: Graphs
- Chapter 13: String Algorithms
- Chapter 14: Algorithm Design Techniques
- Chapter 15: Brute Force Algorithm
- Chapter 16: Greedy Algorithm
- Chapter 17: Divide & Conquer
- Chapter 18: Dynamic Programming
- Chapter 19: Backtracking
- Chapter 20: Complexity Theory