- (Atomic.py & elementsdictionary.py) (i)Create a dictionary that contains the atomic element symbol and its name.
(ii)Add a unique & duplicate element into this dictionary by interacting with the user.
Observe the output and justify it. (iii)Display the number of atomic elements in this dictionary
(iv)Ask user to enter an element to search in the dictionary.
Display appropriate results.
Rewrite this program so that these operations are inside a function called ‘AtomicDictionary’. Create another python file called “Atomic.py” and execute this function in it. - (agecovert.py) The function AgeConvert(num) needs to calculate the age of a person, given the birth date.
- (changestring.py) The function ChangeString(str) needs to modify the string passed using the following rules:
●Replace every letter in thestring with the letter that follows it in alphabetical order (ie.Z becomes a,l becomes m).
● Take every vowel in this new string (a, e, i, o, u) and Capitalize it.
● Return this modified string. E.g: Input: "hello3" Output: Ifmmp3 - (classes_objects.py) Illustration of classes and objects in python
- (hourminute.py) The function HourMinute(num) must return the number of hours and minutes the parameter converts to. Separate the number of hours and minutes with a colon E.g. Input: 126 Output: 2:6 E.g. Input: 45 Output: 0:45
- (lettersurround.py) The function LetterSurround(str) needs to find out if the string passed is an acceptable sequence by either returningtrue or false. The string parameter will be composed of + and = symbols with several characters between them. For the string to be true each letter must be surrounded by + symbol. Test Cases: The string will not be empty and will have at least one letter. E.g: Input: "+d+=3=+s+" Output: true E.g. Input: "f++d+" Output: false
- (oddrange.py) The function OddRange(num1, num2) takes two integers and needs to return an array of the odd numbers between the given integers.
- (studentclass.py) (i)Create a Python class called ‘Student’ having ‘name’, ‘age’ as attribute along with a list having the marks obtained for three subjects. (ii)Create a constructor to initialize two objects of this class. (iii)Create a member function called ‘display’ printing the details of a specific object (iv)Ask user to enter the values for an object through an ‘accept’ member function. (v)Display these details.
- (agecovert.html) The function AgeConvert(num) needs to calculate the age of a person, given the birth date.
- (calculator.html) Create a simple webpage to add and multiply two numbers.
- (changestring.html) The function ChangeString(str) needs to modify the string passed using the following rules:
●Replace every letter in thestring with the letter that follows it in alphabetical order (ie.Z becomes a,l becomes m).
● Take every vowel in this new string (a, e, i, o, u) and Capitalize it.
● Return this modified string. E.g: Input: "hello3" Output: Ifmmp3 - (hourminute.html) The function HourMinute(num) must return the number of hours and minutes the parameter converts to. Separate the number of hours and minutes with a colon E.g. Input: 126 Output: 2:6 E.g. Input: 45 Output: 0:45
- (lettersurround.html) The function LetterSurround(str) needs to find out if the string passed is an acceptable sequence by either returningtrue or false. The string parameter will be composed of + and = symbols with several characters between them. For the string to be true each letter must be surrounded by + symbol. Test Cases: The string will not be empty and will have at least one letter. E.g: Input: "+d+=3=+s+" Output: true E.g. Input: "f++d+" Output: false
- (oddrange.html) The function OddRange(num1, num2) takes two integers and needs to return an array of the odd numbers between the given integers 18.Create a patient
1.Black friday 2. Working with Iris Dataset 3. Student performance
all programs of 2nd internals.