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Exchange Rate Library

This PHP library provides a flexible and efficient way to handle exchange rates, including fetching current rates, caching, and currency conversion. It's designed to integrate seamlessly with Laravel applications.


  • Fetch exchange rates from multiple API sources
  • Cache exchange rates for improved performance
  • Parse and filter exchange rate data
  • Perform currency conversions with configurable precision
  • Easily extensible and customizable
  • Laravel integration via a service provider


You can install this library via Composer:

composer require hennest/exchange-rate

Laravel Integration

This library comes with a Laravel service provider for easy integration. After installation, add the service provider to your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // Other Service Providers


Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=exchange-rate-config

This will create a config/exchange-rate.php file where you can customize the library settings.


Basic Usage

use Hennest\ExchangeRate\Contracts\ExchangeRateInterface;

class ExampleController
    public function __construct(
        private ExchangeRateInterface $exchangeRate
    ) {}

    public function example()
        // Get exchange rates for specific currencies
        $rates = $this->exchangeRate->rates(['EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY']);

        // Get a single exchange rate
        $rate = $this->exchangeRate->getRate('EUR');

        // Convert currency
        $convertedAmount = $this->exchangeRate->convert(100, 'USD', 'EUR');
    public function anotherExample()
        // Get exchange rates for specific currencies
        $rates = app(ExchangeRateInterface::class)->rates(['EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY']);

        // Get a single exchange rate
        $rate = app(ExchangeRateInterface::class)->getRate('EUR');

        // Convert currency
        $convertedAmount = app(ExchangeRateInterface::class)->convert(100, 'USD', 'EUR');

Configuration Options

The config/exchange-rate.php file allows you to customize various aspects of the library. Here's a breakdown of the available options:

return [
    // Base currency for the exchange rate
    'base_currency' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_BASE_CURRENCY', 'USD'),

    // API key for the exchange rate service
    'api_key' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_API_KEY', ''),

    // Arbitrary Precision Calculator settings
    'math' => [
        'scale' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_SCALE', 10),

    // Cache configuration
    'cache' => [
        'prefix' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_CACHE_PREFIX', 'exchange_rate'),
        'driver' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_CACHE_DRIVER', env('CACHE_STORE', 'file')),
        'ttl' => env('EXCHANGE_RATE_CACHE_TTL', 6 * 3600),

    // Builder classes for creating DTOs
    'assemblers' => [
        'response' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Assembler\ResponseAssembler::class,

    // Customizable service classes
    'services' => [
        'api' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Drivers\CurrencyApiService::class,
        'cache' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Services\CacheService::class,
        'parser' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Services\ParserService::class,
        'exchange_rate' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Services\ExchangeRateService::class,

    // Default driver
    'default_driver' => 'currency-api',

    // Available API drivers
    'drivers' => [
        'currency-api' => [
            'api' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Drivers\CurrencyApiService::class,
        'currency-beacon' => [
            'api' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Drivers\CurrencyBeaconApiService::class,

Key Configuration Options:

  • base_currency: Set your preferred base currency (default: USD).
  • api_key: If your chosen API requires a key, set it here or in your .env file.
  • math.scale: Set the precision for decimal calculations.
  • cache: Configure caching options including driver, prefix, and TTL.
  • services: Override default service implementations.
  • default_driver: Choose the default API driver.
  • drivers: Configure multiple API drivers for flexibility.

Extending the Library

You can set default_driver to null and update the services array to extend the library's functionality. You can create custom implementations of the following interfaces:

  • ApiInterface: For custom API integrations
  • CacheInterface: For custom caching mechanisms
  • ParserInterface: For custom parsing logic
  • ExchangeRateInterface: For custom exchange rate calculations

Register your custom implementations in the services section of the config/exchange-rate.php file:

'services' => [
    'api' => \App\Services\MyCustomApiService::class,
    'cache' => \App\Services\MyCustomCacheService::class,
    'parser' => \App\Services\MyCustomParserService::class,
    'exchange_rate' => \App\Services\MyCustomExchangeRateService::class,

This allows you to have full control over which services are used throughout your application.

Multiple API Drivers

The library supports multiple API drivers. You can add new drivers in the drivers section and switch between them by changing the default_driver setting.

Adding Custom Drivers

To add a custom driver or use a different API service, extend the library by adding a new entry to the drivers array in the config/exchange-rate.php file:

'drivers' => [
    'currency-api' => [
        'api' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Drivers\CurrencyApiService::class,
    'currency-beacon' => [
        'api' => Hennest\ExchangeRate\Drivers\CurrencyBeaconApiService::class,
    'my-custom-driver' => [
        'api' => \App\Services\MyCustomApiService::class,

Selecting a Driver

To use your custom driver, you can either:

  1. Update the default_driver setting in the config file:
'default_driver' => 'my-custom-driver',
  1. Or set it using an environment variable:

Custom Implementations

When creating custom implementations, ensure they adhere to the following interfaces:

  • ApiInterface: For custom API integrations
  • CacheInterface: For custom caching mechanisms
  • ParserInterface: For custom parsing logic
  • ExchangeRateInterface: For custom exchange rate calculations


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.