This is an SDEV 220: Soft. Dev. Using Python programming assignment. The assignment requires the student to apply their knowledge gained after reading Chapters 1 to 3 to the "Things to do" in Chapter 3.
- 3.1 How many seconds are in an hour? Use the interactive interpreter as a calculator and multiply the number of seconds in a minute (60) by the number of minutes in an hour (also 60).
- 3.2 Assign the result from the previous task (seconds in an hour) to a variable called seconds_per_hour.
- 3.3 How many seconds are in a day? Use your seconds_per_hour variable.
- 3.4 Calculate seconds per day again, but this time save the result in a variable called seconds_per_day.
- 3.5 Divide seconds_per_day by seconds_per_hour. Use floating-point (/) division.
- 3.6 Divide seconds_per_day by seconds_per_hour, using integer (//) division. Did this number agree with the floating-point value from the previous question, aside from the final .0?
Introducing Python, 2nd Edition
by Bill Lubanovic