Example from test set. Blue: Ground truth boxes, red: predictions
Forked from here.
Thanks go out to kentaroy47!
If you understand german, you can consult my bachelor thesis for context and details, why and how this was implemented. I added a pdf to this repo.
I updated support of tensorflow 2, originally was:
Tested with Tensorflow==1.12.0 and Keras 2.2.4.
Prerequisites: Python 3.6, pip > 20, virtualenv
python -m virtualenv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
virtualenv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Due to data property reasons only a few example images are annotated in the annotation csv set_splits/bboxes_example.csv
One line in the annotation csv holds the information about one turbine in the image.
An example line: 22084_7.227_49.476_2011-12-01.jpg,999,64,1089,154,turbine,large,176.0,train
The format is: image_filename,x1,y1,x2,y2,class,size_category,size,set
The coordinates are the top left and the bottom right corner.
python train_rpn.py -p set_splits/bboxes_example.csv
python train_frcnn.py -p set_splits/bboxes_example.csv -rpn models/rpn/rpn_model.hdf5
Hyperparameters can be changed in the config file keras_frcnn/config.py
, as well as with other options (s. train_rpn.py
and train_frcnn.py
for the documentation)
python test_rpn.py -p set_splits/bboxes_example.csv --write --load models/rpn/rpn_model.hdf5
python test_frcnn.py -p set_splits/bboxes_example.csv --write --load models/frcnn/frcnn_model.hdf5
The option --write saves the tested pictures with predictions and ground truth boxes in the folder results.
The option --load loads the model to test.