HeylelOS equivalent of the GNU coreutils. Trying to implement the following utilities as described in the POSIX.1-2017 specification.
First I thought: "Because it would had external dependencies. It's still great to create a standalone. Good for practice and educational purposes too." However, I know think that by creating a STRICTLY standard core-utils, developpers would gain something. They will gain the fact that if their program runs on HeylelOS, it shall STRICTLY run on any other Unix/Linux. So I will not add extensions except if those one are considered common to every other Unix/Linux (eg. echo -n).
NB: If you find an error, or you think one extension follows the previous exception clause, do not hesitate to contact me.
- awk Using the original awk for now.
- basename
- bc
- cal
- cat
- chgrp
- chmod
- chown
- cksum
- cmp
- comm
- cp
- csplit
- cut
- date
- dd
- df
- diff
- dirname
- du
- echo + echo-xsi (an XSI compliant echo, both behaviors are different, cf. Standard)
- expand
- expr
- false
- file
- find
- fold
- fuser
- gencat
- getconf
- grep
- head
- iconv
- id
- ipcrm
- ipcs
- join
- kill
- link
- ln
- logger
- logname
- lp
- ls
- m4
- mailx
- man
- mesg
- mkdir
- mkfifo
- more
- mv
- newgrp
- nice
- nl
- nohup
- od
- paste
- patch
- pathchk
- pr
- printf
- ps
- pwd
- renice
- rm
- rmdir
- sed
- sh Using zsh as a replacement
- sleep
- sort
- split
- strings
- stty
- tabs
- tail
- tee
- test
- time
- touch
- tput
- tr
- true
- tsort
- tty
- type
- ulimit
- uname
- unexpand
- uniq
- unlink
- vi Using vim as a replacement
- wc
- who
- write
- xargs