Code that can help to debug metadata_data_t struct used by qualcomm camera code.
It is located in QCamera2/stack/common/cam_intf.h
Main idea is to compare output from functions get_pointer_of() and get_size_of() from binary, ( for older devices) with values defined in oss header.
To get started, you hav to make list of fields of metadata_data_t using special macro PRINT(), like
Next build it and copy get_offsets binary to /system/vendor/lib on your device where located.
Run it and it will produce output like this
BLOB: CAM_INTF_META_AUTOFOCUS_DATA index=19 pointer=8784 size=56
OSS : CAM_INTF_META_AUTOFOCUS_DATA index=19 pointer=8784 size=56
BLOB: CAM_INTF_META_CDS_DATA index=203 pointer=310378496 size=0
OSS : CAM_INTF_META_CDS_DATA index=203 pointer=8840 size=68
BLOB: CAM_INTF_PARM_UPDATE_DEBUG_LEVEL index=175 pointer=8908 size=4
OSS : CAM_INTF_PARM_UPDATE_DEBUG_LEVEL index=175 pointer=8908 size=4
Current code contains keys used on kuntao device.
- BLOB means values found in
- OSS means values from your current cam_intf.h
- FIXME means fields that different by offset or by size. Some BLOB values will be size=0 and big pointer, it means this field not used in blob (but thats not mean you have to remove it from oss HAL).