At the university, many students tend to ommit Physical Education lessons in case of health problems or many other reasons. Many teachers require them to attend another PE lesson to compensate for their absence. The purpose of this application is to make it easier for students to find classes which they can attend with no fear of getting kicked out of the class because of too many students trying to make up for their absence. This risk is exceptionally high near the end of the semester and need for such system arises.
This Node.JS application is a REST API created with Express framework. It's connected to PostgreSQL database, which is hosted online using Heroku. Application uses Sequelize library to connect with database and make various queries. Below is a diagram of the database created using DB Designer
Application uses TypeScript for better programming experience and to enforce specific response types which can be accepted by the frontend application. To ensure validity of data sent by the client, application includes a middleware using AJV validators.