Block Explorer : Check Also And
Simple cryptocurrency block explorer system.
Under active development and subject to rapid sudden change.
This repo assumes git
, mongodb
, node
, yarn
, and are installed with configuration done. Please adjust commands to your local environment.
Download links:
It is also required to have the Methuselah daemon running in the background. It is recommended to set this up before beginning to set up the explorer so that it syncs by the time you need it.
git clone
- copy repo to local folder.
cd blockex
- change into project directory.
yarn install
- install packages used by the system.
cp config.template.js config.js
- setup configuration using template.
- connect using mongo client.
use blockex
- switch to database.
db.createUser( { user: "blockexuser", pwd: "Explorer!1", roles: [ "readWrite" ] } )
- create a user with the values stored in the config.js
file from above, meaning they should match.
- exit the mongo client.
The following automated tasks are currently needed for BlockEx to update but before running the tasks please update the cron script /path/to/blockex/script/
for the block with the local /path/to/node
yarn run cron:coin
- will fetch coin related information like price and supply from
yarn run cron:masternode
- updates the masternodes list in the database with the most recent information clearing old information before.
yarn run cron:peer
- gather the list of peers and fetch geographical IP information.
yarn run cron:block
- will sync blocks and transactions by storing them in the database.
yarn run cron:rich
- generate the rich list.
Note: is is recommended to run all the crons before editing the crontab to have the information right away. Follow the order above, start with cron:coin
and end with cron:rich
To setup the crontab please see run crontab -e
to edit the crontab and paste the following lines (edit with your local information):
*/1 * * * * cd /path/to/blockex && ./script/ >> ./tmp/block.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/blockex && /path/to/node ./cron/coin.js >> ./tmp/coin.log 2>&1
0 * * * * cd /path/to/blockex && /path/to/node ./cron/masternode.js >> ./tmp/masternode.log 2>&1
0 * * * * cd /path/to/blockex && /path/to/node ./cron/peer.js >> ./tmp/peer.log 2>&1
0 * * * * cd /path/to/blockex && /path/to/node ./cron/rich.js >> ./tmp/rich.log 2>&1
At this time only the client web interface needs to be built using webpack and this can be done by running yarn run build:web
. This will bundle the application and put it in the /public
folder for delivery.