Adjustable timeline width, hide ads, hide stuff, show stuff only on hover & more
- Use full width and adjust timeline width
- Hide grok stuff
- Stop timeline header scrolling along
- Hide "Who to follow" and/or Ads
- Hide various borders
- Around timeline
- Between posts
- Around images
- Around Quotes
- Fully rounded quote images
- Show only on hover
- Hide various buttons
- Premium button
- Jobs button
- Verified Orgs button
- Post button
- Show only on hover
- Hide various elements
- Searchbar
- "You might like"
- Trends
- Legal notice
- Custom background
- Adjust brightness, size, position, scroll-behavior & repeat-behavior
- Custom logo
- Show messages only on hover
- Make ALL borders transparent
- add option to set custom background
- improve hiding of sidemenu items (all of them can be hidden now)
- fix sidebar being iffy when scrolling down the timeline
- adjust timeline position on the left on smaller screen sizes
- hide adds on the right side when viewing media
- add changelog (as you can see)
- adjustments for custom background
- properly increment minor version instead of patch version for adding features