Tags: Hitonoriol/MadSand
TextSubstitutor now can perform dynamic substitutions (replace tile/o… …bject/item names with their id's, evaluate lua expressions + ability to hook a String supplier to substitute specified string) * Item names can now be used in craft recipes instead of id's, using the substitutor syntax ( e.g: @(item: stick)/3:@(item: rock)/5 ) * rollDungeonEntrance() now actually decides whether to generate a dungeon trapdoor tile or not based on "dungeonProbability" WorldGenPreset field for current biome * Enumerable now has name() method to unify fuzzysearch by name
Overlay info panel -- displays auto-updating labels with various info… … + Generalize RefreshableLabels & TextGenerators * Encumbrance (percentage of occupied inventory space) & its impact on Entity's speed -- 100% encumbrance decreases speed by 35% * OverlayMouseOverListener now ignores junk InputEvents * Overlay cleanup * Explicit gc calls during & after world loading and on screen switch & world.enter()
Crafting menu layout & behavior adjustments * Show tooltips when hovering over CraftButtons * Display quantity of item already in the inventory in Craft Button text * Display & animate caught fish textures & notification text from gamelog when fishing * Now if you click while there's no fish on the hook, the fishing rod'll get damaged
Rename GPS waypoints via Right click -> Rename * MapEntity.populateContextMenu() -- to add additional contextual options to the right click menu for MapEntity subtypes * CharacterCreationDialog & LevelupDialog now ignore keyboard input (& can't be closed with ESC, breaking the game in some cases) * Scroll of Teleportation no longer crashes the game * World size is now actually limited by WorldMap's xsz & ysz * Input dialog can now also be confirmed with Enter key * WorldMapSaver cleanup
Rename GPS waypoints via Right click -> Rename * MapEntity.populateContextMenu() -- to add additional contextual options to the right click menu for MapEntity subtypes * CharacterCreationDialog & LevelupDialog now ignore keyboard input (& can't be closed with ESC, breaking the game in some cases) * Scroll of Teleportation no longer crashes the game * World size is now actually limited by WorldMap's xsz & ysz * Input dialog can now also be confirmed with Enter key * WorldMapSaver cleanup
WaypointDialog -- show all waypoints in current sector, with ability … …to toggle visual navigation to them * Calculate skill level progress % correctly * InputDialog -- will be used to rename map waypoints & for other things that may require user input