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Tags: Hitonoriol/MadSand



Add a waypoint to the tutorial quest master upon starting a new game

+ Add 4 new items
+ Add paragraph (`{p}`) tag to text substitutor
+ Bump version to v0.49.20


Fix quest loading

(Quests were Enumerable but had their ids uninitialized after deserializing from json, making them all have the same id)


TextSubstitutor now can perform dynamic substitutions (replace tile/o…

…bject/item names with their id's, evaluate lua expressions + ability to hook a String supplier to substitute specified string)

* Item names can now be used in craft recipes instead of id's, using the substitutor syntax ( e.g: @(item: stick)/3:@(item: rock)/5 )
* rollDungeonEntrance() now actually decides whether to generate a dungeon trapdoor tile or not based on "dungeonProbability" WorldGenPreset field for current biome
* Enumerable now has name() method to unify fuzzysearch by name


AbstractEquipment "cursed" & "identified" flag rolls now depend on pl…

…ayer's luck

* Chance to add items from a random ItemCategory  to dungeon floor based on player's luck
* New item quantity cap system when rolling from ItemCategoryLists


Overlay info panel -- displays auto-updating labels with various info…

… + Generalize RefreshableLabels & TextGenerators

* Encumbrance (percentage of occupied inventory space) & its impact on Entity's speed -- 100% encumbrance decreases speed by 35%
* OverlayMouseOverListener now ignores junk InputEvents
* Overlay cleanup
* Explicit gc calls during & after world loading and on screen switch & world.enter()


Crafting menu layout & behavior adjustments

* Show tooltips when hovering over CraftButtons
* Display quantity of item already in the inventory in Craft Button text
* Display & animate caught fish textures & notification text from gamelog when fishing
* Now if you click while there's no fish on the hook, the fishing rod'll get damaged


Fix GameDialog-related bugs


Rename GPS waypoints via Right click -> Rename

* MapEntity.populateContextMenu() -- to add additional contextual options to the right click menu for MapEntity subtypes
* CharacterCreationDialog & LevelupDialog now ignore keyboard input (& can't be closed with ESC, breaking the game in some cases)
* Scroll of Teleportation no longer crashes the game
* World size is now actually limited by WorldMap's xsz & ysz
* Input dialog can now also be confirmed with Enter key
* WorldMapSaver cleanup


Rename GPS waypoints via Right click -> Rename

* MapEntity.populateContextMenu() -- to add additional contextual options to the right click menu for MapEntity subtypes
* CharacterCreationDialog & LevelupDialog now ignore keyboard input (& can't be closed with ESC, breaking the game in some cases)
* Scroll of Teleportation no longer crashes the game
* World size is now actually limited by WorldMap's xsz & ysz
* Input dialog can now also be confirmed with Enter key
* WorldMapSaver cleanup


WaypointDialog -- show all waypoints in current sector, with ability …

…to toggle visual navigation to them

* Calculate skill level progress % correctly
* InputDialog -- will be used to rename map waypoints & for other things that may require user input