Application to register equipments failures on your company
About • Features • Getting started • Technologies • Authors • Acknowledgements
This project was primarily done to study modern mobile technologies and create a real-world application using the React Native, Expo and Firebase technology stack. Not just the tech stack, I used libraries like React navigation for fast and reliable routing, NativeBase for UI components and Zod for form validation.
It was only possible to create this application with quality because of the incredible event called Ignite Lab, an online bootcamp made by a great company called Rocketseat. And this event was conducted by Rodrigo Gonçalves, a educator at Rocketseat.
- Auth functionalities such as sign up, sign in, sign out, and recover password made with Firebase Auth
- Register equipments failures with patrimony number and description made with Firebase Firestore
- Real-time list of equipments failures with Firebase data snapshots
- Form validation for fast, reliable, and custom feedbacks made with Zod
- Theme support (Light / Dark mode) with Nativebase
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.
- Node.js LTS release
- Git
- Watchman ( required only for macOS or Linux users )
Visit Firebase and create a new account, If you already have an account, log in.
Create a new project in Firebase console.
Add a new application ( Android or iOS ) to the project.
file If you selected iOS platform, orgoogle-services.json
file If you selected Android platform, and copy to your project root.
- Install Expo CLI to serve the project in development, view logs, open the app on an emulator or a physical device, etc.
yarn add -g expo-cli
- Install all dependencies
yarn install
- Run the project locally on an emulator ( Its not possible to run on physical device because Expo + Firebase does not support Expo Go mobile application )
On android
yarn android
On iOS
yarn ios
- See the project in the emulator
- @diego3g - CTO at Rocketseat ( Company responsible of this event )
- @rodrigorgtic - Educator of this event ( Educator at Rocketseat )
- MIT License