A vim plugin for builtin 42 norm error highlighting.
No need to switch away from VIM to check your file norm anymore !
The plugin runs the 42 norminette executable installed on your system.
If you don't have it installed yet, get it at 42 official norminette, else it just won't work.
You will also need a VIM plugin manager.
I personnally use vim-plug, you can install it following their instructions.
Clone the viminette repository in your file system...
git clone git@github.com:Hnogared/viminette_VIM-42-norminette.git
...and plug it in your .vimrc file in your home repository (create it if needed)
call plug#begin()
Plug '<path_to_viminette_directory>'
call plug#end()
You are now good to go ! 👍
For more detailed informations on how to use the plugin functionalities, you can run :help viminette
in your VIM editor to open the documentation.
switch ON/OFF norm highlighting
jump to the closest norm error line after the cursor line.
jump to the closest norm error line before the cursor line.
open a popup menu at the center of the window for the user to select an error line to jump to.
Turn on norm highlighting if the shell norminette command call was successfull.
The highlighting now refreshes after each file save (VIM's BufWritePost
event) until turned off or an error occurs.
:Norminette -RCheckDefine
Turn on norm highlighting with the -RCheckDefine flag.
Turn off norm highlighting if it was initially turned on.
The highlighting is hidden and doesn't refresh anymore after each file save until turned on again.
This command only does something if norm error lines are currently displayed in the file.
Open a popup menu at the center of the window for the user to select an error line to jump to.
These commands only do something if norm error lines are currently displayed in the file.
Jump to the closest error line in the file after the cursor line. Jump to the first one if none is present after the cursor.
Jump to the closest error line before the cursor line. Jump to the last one if none is present before the cursor.
Cycle through the error lines from top to bottom. Jump back to the first one from the last one.
Cycle through the error lines from bottom to top. Jump back to the last one from the first one
The plugin's status can be displayed on the status bar.
The viminette#getNormStatus()
function call returns the status of the norm highlighting.
- 0 = norm highlighting is turned OFF
- 1 = norm highlighting is turned ON and there are no norm errors in the file
- 2 = norm highlighting is turned ON and there are norm errors in the file
This status can be used to update VIM's status line depending on the norm status on your .vimrc file :
" Example on how to implement different colored indicators in the status line depending on the norm status
hi NormOff ctermbg=234 guibg=#616161
hi NormOn ctermbg=40 guibg=#00FF00
hi NormError ctermbg=196 guibg=#FF0000
set statusline = ...
set statusline += %{%viminette#getNormStatus()==0?'%#NormOff# ':''%}
set statusline += %{%viminette#getNormStatus()==1?'%#NormOn# ':''%}
set statusline += %{%viminette#getNormStatus()==2?'%#NormError# ':''%}
set statusline += ...
" Example on how to implement different colored indicators in the status line depending on the norm status
" with a function
" This won't work on older versions
hi NormOff ctermbg=234 guibg=#616161
hi NormOn ctermbg=40 guibg=#00FF00
hi NormError ctermbg=196 guibg=#FF0000
function! MyStatusLine() abort
let res = ...
let res .= '%{%viminette#getNormStatus()==0?"%#NormOff# ":""%}'
let res .= '%{%viminette#getNormStatus()==1?"%#NormOn# ":""%}'
let res .= '%{%viminette#getNormStatus()==2?"%#NormError# ":""%}'
let res .= ...
return res
set statusline=%!MyStatusLine()
What an implementation from above could look like on a VIM status line (the colored rectangle shows the norm status the other stuff is only for display purposes)
Thank you Leizar06001 for the name idea. Go check out their cool projects !