Open source terrain mod pack for the original UFO: Enemy Unknown/XCom: UFO Defense game that contains 70+ new terrains and an expanded globe. Requires OpenXCom, UFO2000 or the original game to be played.
Official GitHub repository:
XCOM Terrain Pack Discord server:
Any questions can be asked in the OpenXCom forums & Discord or emailed to
The XCOM Terrain Pack and its original contents are copyrighted to their individual authors and is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license ( Please read the included LICENSE file on how to obtain the license to irrevocably and permanently use, distribute, modify and redistribute the Terrain Pack, by properly crediting it and the authors of the X-COM mod terrains, which are listed on the AUTHORS file inside its main folder.
The AUTHORS file also contains the credits for everyone who created, or was involved in the development of these terrains and the Terrain Pack. And while it's easier to remember the names of the terrain authors because of their originality and creativity, specially when XCOM modding was beginning, if you feel you have made an unrecognized contribution, please inform us to correct the situation.
Finally, the original games are copyright of 2K Games/Firaxis, or the current XCOM IP holder. This extends to the original games and their tiles, artwork, map, routes, tileset and globe, even if they have been expanded and/or adapted by the modders. These files are being distributed here only for modding proposes related to XCom. All the new artwork, maps, routes, tilesets, globe or any other original game files that have been created by the authors are considered to be their copyright.
TLDR - Modders, read the LICENSE and AUTHORS file, follow the rules and have fun.
OpenXCom: Unzip and place the entire Terrain Pack folder in C:\Documents and Settings\User\Documents\OpenXcom\mods\
UFO2000: Copy the .zip files found in the mod's \Original\UFO2000\ folder inside the \extensions folder of \UFO2000
UFO: Enemy Unknown/XCOM: UFO Defense: unzip any of the files (without 2k on their name) that are inside found on the pack's \Original\Area 51 Site\ folder to the game's main folder and replace all the original files (make back-up copies first).
TLDR - Any questions related to installing, ask.
The XCOM Terrain Pack contains 70+ terrains, as well as a new globe, to supplement those of the original UFO: Defense game while playing it through OpenXCom, UFO2000 or even the original game. It was originally created by Hobbes for his UFO2000 terrains, who later updated it for use in OpenXCom, and expanded it with the contributions of other authors.
The pack includes all published terrain mods for the original game made by Hobbes, and all the terrains made for the UFO2000 opensource multiplayer clone of the original XCom game ( by Hobbes and other authors. All of those were originally published and hosted on Hobbes' old Area 51 website (, which was hosted on the site until the page went offline dead around 2015. Several of Hobbes' terrains can also still be downloaded at the XCom site's forums (
By then OpenXCom ( made its 1.0 release, all of these mods were collected by the XCOM modding community, and made into a new Terrain Pack by Hobbes and several others, by updating the previous UFO2000 version to OpenXCom. Nearly all of these UFO2000 terrains were later converted by Hobbes to use in OpenXCom, as it was required to create new AI route nodes (.RMP files) for all of them in order to work with the original game and OpenXCom. The multiplayer versions didn't require those files and their old authors weren't around since the UFO2000 project went dormant about a decade ago, or knew anything about how the XCOM Tactical AI or the .RMP files worked.
The current version of the XCOM Terrain Pack is specifically designed for OpenXCom and also includes new terrains created specifically for it by several authors and published on the OpenXCom forums, with the individual mod links provided on the included AUTHORS text file.
To keep all this material available in the future, the Terrain Pack contains a folder called \Original Files\ with all the .zip files of the terrains that were released and distributed on the Area 51 website as well as its relevant web pages. It also includes all the necessary XCom editors, tools and documentation that were used to create these terrain mods. This will allow everyone to keep playing them in the future and for XCom modders to keep using them to other terrains.
The XCOM Terrain Pack is also available at the OpenXCom mod portal -
Finally, if you'd like to give something back to Terrain Pack, a simple thank you message is more than enough. If you'd like to contribute, send us a message too.
And if you insist in donating, then please donate instead to OpenXCom (, or any of its developers, OXCE included. Due to their work, the original game is constantly being developed and updated with new features, and without them, the current XCOM Terrain Pack wouldn't be possible. Thank you.
TLDR - Players, follow the instructions to install and have fun.
The Terrain Pack can be played on both OXC or OpenXCom Extended.
With OXCE, the pack now supports its &YAML anchors feature, which allows to set refNotes for other mods to easily reference and apply changes to the Terror Pack.
Compatible Types Of Mods (100%)
- Weapons
- Craft
- Aliens
- Items
- Armors
- Units
- Alien Missions
- Facilities
- Manufacture
- Research
- Mission Scripts
- Starting Base
- Ufopedia
Incompatible Types of Mods (50%)
- Terrains
- Alien Deployments
- Countries
- Regions
- Globe
TLDR - Players, pick from the top list. Modders, pick from the bottom list.
UFO Assault/Recovery:
- CULTAFARMA (vanilla Farm + several new map blocks)
- CULTAFARMB (Farm using only the new map blocks)
- DESERTPLANE (adapted Crashed Plane TFTD terrain)
- DESERTTEMPLE (adapted Atlantis TFTD terrain)
- FORESTMOUNT (Forest Mountain)
- FORESTPOLAR (Forest Swamp)
- GRASSLANDDESERT (Northern hemisphere only)
- GRASSLANDDESERTMOUNT (Northern hemisphere only)
- GRASSLANDFOREST (Northern hemisphere only)
- GRASSLANDFORESTMOUNT (Northern hemisphere only)
- GRASSLANDPOLAR (Grassland Swamp Northern hemisphere only)
- INDUSTRIALUFO (Industrial with landed UFOs)
- JUNGLEPOLAR (Jungle Swamp)
- JUNGLETEMPLE (Original Jungle + Mu terrain from TFTD, together with XOps)
- MADURBANUFO (Mad Urban with landed UFOs)
- NATIVEUFO (Native with landed UFOs)
- POLARPLANE (adapted Crashed Plane TFTD terrain)
- SAVANNADESERT (Southern hemisphere only)
- SAVANNADESERTMOUNT (Southern hemisphere only)
- SAVANNAFOREST (Southern hemisphere only)
- SAVANNAFORESTMOUNT (Southern hemisphere only)
- SAVANNAPOLAR (Savanna Swamp Southern hemisphere only)
- STEPPEDESERT (Northern hemisphere only)
- STEPPEDESERTMOUNT (Northern hemisphere only)
- STEPPEFOREST (Northern hemisphere only)
- STEPPEFORESTMOUNT (Northern hemisphere only)
- STEPPEPOLAR (Steppe Swamp Northern hemisphere only)
- TAIGAPOLAR (Taiga Swamp)
- TUNDRAPOLAR (Tundra Swamp)
- TUNDRAPLANE (adapted Crashed Plane TFTD terrain)
Terror Site:
- APARTMENT (original XCOM version)
- AREA 51 (original XCOM version)
- CARGOSHIP (TFTD terrain, 1st stage mission only)
- CARGOSHIPPORT (Cargo Ship + Port terrain)
- COLDISLE (Polar research station)
- COMMERCIAL (Commercial)
- DAWNCITY (original XCOM version)
- ISLAND (vanilla TFTD terrain)
- LINERSHIP (TFTD terrain, 1st stage mission only)
- LINERSHIPPORT (Liner Ship + Port terrain)
- MADCITY (Expanded UFO Urban terrain)
- MADCITYSNOW (Snow covered city)
- NATIVE (Tropical Terror Site)
- PORTINDUSTRIAL (Port + Industrial)
- PORTUFO (vanilla TFTD terrain)
- PORTURBAN (expanded TFTD Port terrain)
- STORMMOUNTAIN (Underground base)
Alien Base
Other OpenXCom Features:
- Reworked Geoscape, including several new textures and cities.
- Country Zones have been redesigned to reflect better the countries' geography.
- Terrain of terror sites will match geographical locations (large city terrains only appear at some cities, etc.).
- North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans can now have Alien Terror, Alien Base & Alien Research missions assigned.
- Several new countries added.
TLDR - Requires OpenXCom to be played, available at
- AREA51
- TERRAIN PACK (original published version)
Several of these terrains remain unconverted to OpenXCom, mostly because they were created for multiplayer and lack the .RMP files necessary for alien spawning ( and the tactical AI ( to properly control them.
TLDR - Requires UFO2000 to be played and another human to play against you.
- AREA 51
- CITY2 (XComUtil)
- NATIVE (XComUtil)
Several XCOM terrain mods that work by replacing the original game files. Remember to keep backup copies. Some require XComUtil to be played - available at
TLDR - Several terrain mods created for the original game, still playable.
Version 4.3 Removed several terrains from Area 51 mod due to author's request Removed civilian units due to permission issues New release version to address the permission issues
Version 4.1 and 4.2 Several bug fixes
Version 4.0 Updated ruleset for compatility with latest nightlies Updated Geoscape New terrains added from Area 51 mod Several bugs fixed
Version 3.7 Geoscape bug fixes for city locations
Version 3.6 Updated to latest nightlies with new mod system
Version 3.5.3 Bug fix for Geoscape city being wrongly placed over water (Sevastopol) Bug fix for MissionZones in Australasia
Version 3.5.2 Bug fixes for Area51 and Port
Version 3.5.1 Bug fixes for Commercial, Port
Version 3.5 Bug fix for Area 51 terrain. Deactivated Commercial and Railyard until they are redesigned due to too many bugs. Bug fix for Grass
Version 3.4.1 Bug fix for Area51 terrain
Version 3.4 Area 51 added as a Terror Site terrain. Bug fixes for Madurban & Railyard (bad .RMP files causing vector::_range_check crashes), Farm (wrong tile use), Commercial & Dawn City (windows LOF/LOS issues)
Version 3.3.1 Bug fixes for Taiga Desert, Tundra Mountain and Jungle Temple terrains.
Version 3.3 Fixed bugs with grass appearing inside UFOs in the Savanna/Grassland terrains. Fixed bug with Railyard terrain that was causing occasional crashes.
Version 3.2 Adapted ruleset to new cities and textures format. Added Port missions + 1 additional civilian.
Version 3.1.4 More bug fixes for the Tundra Desert and Tundra Mountain Desert Terrain. Number of civilians on terror sites increased to original value.
Version 3.1.3 Bug fixes for the Tundra Desert and Tundra Mountain Desert Terrain. Added additional Canadian cities
Version 3.1.2 Bug fixes
Version 3.0.4 Added several new terrains, civilian units and a rework of the Geoscape.
Version 3.0.3 Fix for a bug on the Native, Industrial and MadUrban terrains that was caused by the switch to the nightlies
Version 3.0.2 Final fix to Farm terrain bug and other little issues with the ruleset (big thanks to Warboy1982)
Version 3.0.1 Fixed bug with Farm terrain that was causing the game to crash
Version 3.0 Updated ruleset for compatibility with OpenXcom Nightlies (version 2015-01-03 22:57)
Version 2.5.2 Fixed bug with French language settings.
Version 2.5.1 Added French Translation for Cities.
Version 2.5 Several new cities were added from MKSheppard's Improved Nations mod, TFTD, and additional others. Terror missions can happen now in the Pacific, North and South Atlantic and Indian oceans. It is also possible now to get Alien Research missions on the Atlantic and Indian oceans since Mission Zones were added to those areas. The Country and Region Zones have been redesigned, using the Improved Nations mod and additional work.
Version 2.4 Added more spawn points to Dawn City, Industrial and Port terrains Added new Mu Jungle tilesets, with the contribution of XOps for the recoloring of the MUJUNGLE tileset. Fixed issue with Alien Raid UFO appearing over the sea Removed Alien Hive and Hunt missions from the Missions Pack
Version 2.3 Fixed bugs on the COMDECOR tlieset and Farm map. Recoloring of the ATLANTIS DESERT tileset by XOps and updates to maps.
Version 2.2 Rebalanced tiles for Dawn City Added Solarius Scorch's Commercial maps & edited tilesets
Version 2.1 Added Commercial, Mu Jungle and Atlantis Desert terrains.
Version 2.0 Split the ruleset into two, Terrain Pack and Missions Pack, to keep the terrains and missions separate, for easy updating and integration with other mods. Also included the Alien Remix ruleset. Fixed bugs with the Industrial, Desert Mountain, Polar Mountain, Forest Mountain, Railyard and Dawn City terrains. Added Alien Hive and Alien Hunt to the Missions Pack. Added French and Russian translations, courtesy of Infini and VSx86, respectively.
Version 1.9.9 Added Desert Mountain terrain, used for Geoscape texture #8, vanilla terrain still assigned to texture #9. Fixed missing data on several RMP files and bug preventing getting the Raider Ship entry on the UFOPaedia.
Version 1.9.8
Fixed bug when selecting Native as a terror terrain
Fixed bugs on Dawn City tilesets and Industrial maps.
Added new Forest Mountain terrain, assigned to textures 0, 11 and 12 of Geoscape, northern hemisphere.
Increased number of spawn points of Dawn City to address a rare situation caused when the maximum number of civilians is increased from vanilla making the aliens/civilians appear in groups at spawn points.
Added Railyard, Expanded Farm and Polar Mountain terrains.
Expanded Farm A is assigned to Geoscape texture #2, northern hemisphere. It is composed of Farm + 22 new map blocks.
Mad City goes to texture #2, southern hemisphere. The only area where it will be generated is Eastern Australia. Mad City is also kept as a terror site terrain.
Expanded Farm B is assigned to texture #3, both hemispheres. It only contains the 22 new Farm map blocks.
Industrial is assigned to texture #1, both hemispheres. This is the smallest texture per total Geoscape area and the locations more or less match industrialized areas like Chicago, England or the Ukraine. Industrial is also kept as a terror site terrain.
Farm is assigned to texture #4, northern hemisphere.
Native is assigned to texture #4, southern hemisphere.
Polar Mountain is assigned to texture #9, Polar to #12
Native readded as a Terror Site terrain.
Version 1.9.6 Support for Linux Fixes to large terror units spawning inside small rooms on Dawn City and Industrial maps Fixes to Dawn City tilesets
Version 1.9.5 Fixes to Dawn and Area51 maps Rebalance of mission weights Reduced armor of brick walls and cars in Dawn City
Version 1.9.4 Redesigned Dawn City tilesets and added 2 terrains, DAWNURBANA and DAWNURBANB. Increased Terror Site battlescape size to 50x50x6. Reduced numbers of civilians back to vanilla. Reduced chance of Alien Flyby missions (previous value merely for testing). Added vanilla Urban to the list of possible Terror Site terrains. Increased penalty for Alien Raid missions from 250 to 500 points.
Version 1.9.3 Fixed UFOPedia entries for thenew missions and UFO. Reduced Terror Site map size to 50x50 Adjustments to the alien deployments on the new missions.
Version 1.9.2 Fixed uppercase file names for Linux support Added missing maps to Port terrain Fixed map on Area 51 Added UFOPaedia entries to Alien Raid and Flyby missions
Version 1.9.1 Added new version of HWP Factory, with the new Area51 tileset Removed Native from possible Terror Site terrains and assigned it instead to replace the Farm terrain on missions that take place on the southern hemisphere.
Version 1.9 Reintroduced Area 51 terrain, added Alien Raid & Alien Flyby missions.
Version 1.8.3 Bug fixes for spawn points and terrain/map issues.
Version 1.8.2 Reduced number of maximum civilians from 24 to 18 after reports of constant poor mission scores due to aliens killing a lot of civilians
Version 1.8.1 Temporarily removed changes to alien configurations on Alien Deployments due to conflict with the Alien Armory mod.
Version 1.8 Added Industrial terrain (designed by Bagirov) Increased Battlescape size of Terror Sites from 50x50 to 60x60 Increased number of aliens by roughly 33% to 50% due to the bigger map, and doubled the number of possible civilians to 24 Changed the alien loadouts: alien Engineers & Leaders will now carry Blaster Launchers on the highest alien technology level, as well as Plasma Pistols for sidearms, on medium level they'll carry Heavy Plasmas and at the lowest level Plasma Rifles; Medics will also carry Plasma Pistols as sidearms when carrying Stun Launchers; deleted/replaced 2nd ammo clip with Alien Grenades
Version 1.7 Added Native terrain
Version 1.6 Mad City Added additional tiles to (already existing objects facing different directions) Redesigned existing maps with additional tiles Removed unnecessary terrain, route and map files, using instead the original files for the old URBAN buildings Changed map generation rules (MapCount = 1) so each building only appears once per generated Battlescape Renamed .MAP and .RMP files to MADURBANXX.MAP format Removed unnecessary empty map (MADURBAN19, adjusted map numbers Renamed terrain files to standard (ROADS, URBITS, URBAN, FRNITURE, DECOR) Dawn City Renamed .MAP and .RMP files to DAWNURBANXX.MAP format Renamed terrain files to standard (ROADS, URBITS, URBAN, FRNITURE) Port Fixed existing bugs due to incorrect tile use Renamed .MAP and .RMP files to XXXURBAN.MAP format Removed 2 unnecessary placeholder terrain files (PORTBAN and PORTFRNITURE)
Version 1.5 Added Mad City terrain Removed Area51, Hive and City terrains until they are reworked
TLDR - History.