Wir beraten Energieversorger bei strategischen und operativen Themenstellungen.
Wir haben auch viele interessante Stellenangebote.
Wir beraten Energieversorger bei strategischen und operativen Themenstellungen.
Wir haben auch viele interessante Stellenangebote.
A template repository that comes up with a pre-defined tox setup and CI actions.
Python 7
Overview of all Hochfrequenz libraries and tools related to an improved digital market communication for German utilities
A package to determine the values of generic classes through instances or subclasses
Python 6
C# / .NET Core implementation of Business Objects for Energy (BO4E). Full Docs: https://hochfrequenz.github.io/bo4e-livedocs/api/BO4E.BO.html
Python Interface für XML basierte EDIFACT-Formate und Datenmodelle der Energiewirtschaft in Deutschland
C# / .NET Core implementation of Business Objects for Energy (BO4E). Full Docs: https://hochfrequenz.github.io/bo4e-livedocs/api/BO4E.BO.html
Python library to scrape .docx files with "Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm" tables into a truely machine readable structure
An async, fully typed Python client for the Technical Master Data Service (TMDS)
.NET/C# package to convert between German "Gastag" and "Stromtag", between inclusive and exclusive end dates and combinations of all them. This is relevant for German Marktkommunikation ("MaKo")
.NET package that transforms operation paths in JsonPatchDocuments such that they match the models JsonExtensionData property