The Hodes TODO app to learn flutter. This app is meant for learning purposes.
- Intermediate Layout With Rows, Cols, Expansible
- Widget separation
- Creating custom widgets
- Using third part packages
- Integrating custom widgets with third part widgets
- Routing
- Dealing with State reactivity
- Integrate with GetX library
- Widget tree dynamic arrangement and loader state
- Future
- Database storage (With NoSQL sembast)
- Model Serialization with Annotations third part library
- Code generation with builders
- Dealing with nullsafe
First get the dependencies
flutter pub get
This step is needed only if the models were modified. This will generate the implementation of the serialization and 'unserialization' methods.
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Then run on the already open emulator
flutter run
To compare the project before migrate to GetX use the tag