Fotball Tournament Application is an app made to help you manage a fotball tournament with ease. The app lets you register teams and individual players as well as automatically generating match ups between the entered teams. Statitics for each game and individual players can be added with ease, and game statistics, history and tournament results are generated by the app.
To test out our project or to get started with further development you can follow these steps.
There are two ways to retrieve the source code for this project:
With Git please run the following command in the desired directory:
git clone with SSH
git clone with HTTPS
Without Git please press the download button on the front page of the repo and select the desired file format.
Once the source code is open in a code editor, run the maven commands compiler:compile
and javafx:run
. In IntelliJ
IDEA this can be done by pressing the following:
View → Tool Windows → Maven
ftaProject → Plugins → compiler → compiler:compile
ftaProject → Plugins → javafx → javafx:run
All relevant documentation for the project can be found in one of these locations:
If you have further questions about the project, feel free to send an email to one of the group members by clicking one of the names below. We will be happy to help!
This application was developed during the class Software Development 1 at the NTNU by group K1-G8:
To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps.
- Create or upload files
- Add files using the command line or push an existing Git repository with the following command:
cd existing_repo
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -uf origin main
- Invite team members and collaborators
- Create a new merge request
- Automatically close issues from merge requests
- Enable merge request approvals
- Automatically merge when pipeline succeeds
Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab.