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My first entry to JS13kgames

Use the arrow keys and the mouse to search for 5 creatures hiding in the forest. When one is found, click on it and get back to the red tree before it does.

Being in an indecisive mood, I only resolved to make this experiment for js13kgames just 14 days from the deadline - thankfully, I didn't have to do much. These were the steps I took:

  • get the source code for (I hope they didn't mind me using it)
  • break it down and understand every nearly every line of code
  • change the look, remove the stars, add effects, make the Dark Mist and remove bits of code that I didn't need
  • beautify it (I didn't know what true beauty was back then)
  • make the Red Tree
  • add the 'things'
  • make the world loop around infinitely (excluding the Red Tree)
  • try to fix all the glitches (the were loads - and some still remain)
  • add the start and end screen
  • submit to js13kgames

PLAY THE GAME   (It's not very good)