- Vite (build tool)
- Eslint (linter)
- PostCSS (CSS processor)
- Tailwind CSS (CSS framework)
- React (JavaScript library for building user interfaces)
- React Router DOM (routing library for React)
- React Scroll (library for smooth scrolling)
- React Tilt (tilt effect library for React)
- React Vertical Timeline Component (vertical timeline component for React)
- Framer Motion (animation library for React)
- Three.js (JavaScript 3D library)
- @emailjs/browser (library for sending emails from the browser)
- @react-three/drei (collection of useful helpers and abstractions for Three.js)
- @react-three/fiber (React renderer for Three.js)
- @splinetool/react-spline (library for creating splines and curves in React)
- maath (math library)
- react-icons (library of icons for React)
- react-dom (entry point to the React DOM package)
- react-three-fiber (React renderer for Three.js)
- three (JavaScript 3D library)
- @types/react (type declarations for React)
- @types/react-dom (type declarations for React DOM)
- @vitejs/plugin-react (Vite plugin for React)
- autoprefixer (PostCSS plugin for adding vendor prefixes)
- eslint-plugin-react (ESLint plugin for React)
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks (ESLint plugin for React Hooks)
- eslint-plugin-react-refresh (ESLint plugin for React Refresh)
- gh-pages (publishes files to a GitHub Pages branch)
- workerize-loader (webpack loader for running modules in Web Workers)