This repository contains PowerCLI scripts explained in blog posts at
Automating vSS-ISCSI
- Automating virtual Standard Switch configuration using PowerCLI
Automating VSAN
- Create a VSAN enabled cluster using PowerCLI
Invoking Scripts in Guest-VM
- Perform an automated silent install of Oracle Database using Invoke-VM PowerCLI cmdlet
Fancy Reports
- Create CSS & HTML reports
Edit hw v10 VMs
- A Graphical User Interface to edit virtual machines having hardware version 10
Stats using Google charts
- Create HTML reports with interactive charts using Google Charts
Alarm Reports
- Create HTML reports of triggered alarms
HTML Reports with AngularJS
- Dynamic HTML reports using PowerCLI back-end and AngularJS front-end
Automate OpenStack vApp Deployment
- Automate deployment and configuration of vSphere OpenStack Virtual Appliance
Run PowerCLI from Android
- Run PowerCLI on Android using a PHP back-end
Automate vCloud Agent Deployment
- Automate the manual deployment of vCloud Agent on ESXi hosts
Tenants Mobile Reports
- vCloud tenants reports using jQuery Mobile and PowerCLI
- Module to massively backup/restore ESXi hosts configurations
- Automate support bundle collection
- Push notifications in IFTTT to monitor triggered warning/alarms in vSphere