WebPowerCLI is a webpage which allow you to run PowerCLI commands. A major advantage of running PowerCLI through a webpage is that you can write and run scripts virtually from any platform having a web browser.
How to use it:
First cmdlet of your scripts must always be Connect-VIServer (...) in order to establish connection to the vCenter Server or directly to an ESXi host.
Installation steps:
1)Install Windows 2012 and configure networking according to your vSphere environment (Windows server must be able to communicate with vCenter Server/ESXi hosts).
2)Install IIS Web Server
3)Install PHP5
4)Open PowerShell and run "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" command.
5)Install VMware PowerCLI
6)Copy all files from webpowercli archive to your www directory. You could either create a new website from IIS or replace the default one.