MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs, NodeJs
A blogging application made with the MERN stack with Dockerization and TypeScript as the backend language.
Cloning the repository
$ git clone
$ cd mern-markdown-blog
To start the application with docker, make sure you have docker-compose installed.
$ docker-compose -v
If you already have docker-compose installed, Build the containers
$ docker-compose build
Run the application
$ docker-compose up -d
The ReactJs application will run on http://localhost:3000 and the Express application will run on http://localhost:5000
To stop the application run
$ docker-compose stop
To run the application without using docker. Run your MongoDB service
$ sudo service mongodb start
Starting the server application
$ cd server
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
Starting the client application
$ cd client
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
The ReactJs application will run on http://localhost:3000 and the Express application will run on http://localhost:5000
Package Name | Description | Version |
axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js | ^0.19.2 |
highlight.js | Syntax highlighting with language autodetection. | ^10.1.2 |
moment | Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates | ^2.27.0 |
react-feather | React component for Feather icons | ^2.0.8 |
react-highlight | React component for syntax highlighting | ^0.12.0 |
react-markdown | Renders Markdown as React components | ^4.3.1 |
react-moment | React component for the moment date library. | ^0.9.7 |
react-router-dom | DOM bindings for React Router | ^5.2.0 |
tailwindcss | A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. | ^1.5.2 |
Package Name | Description | Version |
joi | Object schema validation | ^17.1.1 |
@typegoose/typegoose | Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes | ^7.3.0 |
bcrypt | A bcrypt library for NodeJS. | ^5.0.0 |
cors | Node.js CORS middleware | ^2.8.5 |
dotenv | Loads environment variables from .env file | ^8.2.0 |
express | Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework | ^4.17.1 |
jsonwebtoken | JSON Web Token implementation (symmetric and asymmetric) | ^8.5.1 |
mongoose | Mongoose MongoDB ODM | 5.9.22 |
mongoose-paginate-v2 | A cursor based custom pagination library for Mongoose with customizable labels. | ^1.3.9 |
morgan | HTTP request logger middleware for node.js | ^1.10.0 |
slugify | Slugifies a String | ^1.4.4 |
nodemon | Simple monitor script for use during development of a node.js app. | ^2.0.4 |