Shared TypeScript and TSLint configs for sane developer
Enjoying/Using ts-setup packages ? 💪✅
This monorepo contains following packages 📦.
- @martin_hotell/ts-config: Shared base tsconfig.json
- @martin_hotell/ts-lint-config: Shared tslint.json
this style-guide consists mostly only rules, that can't be validate by TSLint
Execute yarn release
which will handle following tasks:
- bump package version and git tag
- update/(create if it doesn't exist)
- push to github master branch + push tags
- publish build packages to npm
releases are handled by awesome standard-version
- To get from
yarn release --prerelease
- Alpha: To get from
yarn release --prerelease alpha
- Beta: To get from
yarn release --prerelease beta
See what commands would be run, without committing to git or updating files
yarn release --dry-run
yarn pack
ORyarn release:preflight
which will create a tarball with everything that would get published to NPM
Test are written and run via Jest 💪
yarn test
# OR
yarn test:watch
Style guides are enforced by robots, I meant prettier and tslint of course 🤖 , so they'll let you know if you screwed something, but most of the time, they'll autofix things for you. Magic right ?
#Format and fix lint errors
yarn ts:style:fix
yarn docs
- this is preferred way how to create conventional-changelog valid commits
- if you prefer your custom tool we provide a commit hook linter which will error out, it you provide invalid commit message
- if you are in rush and just wanna skip commit message validation just prefix your message with
WIP: something done
( if you do this please squash your work when you're done with proper commit message so standard-version can create Changelog and bump version of your library appropriately )
yarn commit
- will invoke commitizen CLI
MIT as always