OpenVRTwitchChat-v1.0.6-beta (Experimental)
Delete those profiles update!
I still recommend sticking with v1.0.6b because Emote support can be buggy, but this version still works great for the most part. See the last release or #11 for more details.
New Features
- Added a Delete Profile button! This deletes the currently selected profile in the dropdown, not the currently loaded profile. Select the desired profile in the dropdown, then click the delete button twice. First click changes the button text red, click again to confirm deletion. Select a different profile or click Load or Save to cancel the delete confirmation.
- Added Auto-Load Last Loaded Profile On Start! When you first start the program it will select the last loaded profile if it still exists.
- Fixed the bug introduced in the last release with new profiles. Everything should be working as intended now.
- Two save files are now used: which stores application data, and which just stores the profile data. Old profile data is renamed to, instead of just deleting the file, in case it fails to load them properly. They should be located in:
- Save files from this version and above will not be compatible with older versions, not that they were particularly backwards compatible before. The old profile save is being renamed instead of deleted for now so you should be able to recover the old profiles should you wish to move back to an older version.
- Emote support has not changed from the last version, and as such, this version is still running in Development Mode. Please see the last release for more details.