Collection of services, helper, and standard view for standard services you want to use in any kind of website.
It's a Work in Progress mainly used for other project. You can browse the repository, but I would not recommend you to use it unless you know what you want ;)
This branch (master) supports PUGXMultuUserBundle master, FOSUserBundle master and Symfony master.
The branch (1.0) supports PUGXMultuUserBundle 2.0, FOSUserBundle 2.0 and Symfony >=2.1, <2.4.
Some of the feature included :
- Image Uploader Service : Integration of Punkave Image Uploader as a service tight to a generic Media Model (plan to update to
- Simple README functionality included by default on demand (usually dev environment only is fine) : give you a page with a html rendered version of the Markdown file located in the root of your Project
- Manage metas for twitter cards and open graph
- Provide switch lang feature (routes, knpmenu action, and Handler)
##Using the ImageUploader Service:
include the default uploader {% include "DacorpExtraBundle:Common:file-upload-control.html.twig" %}
Support Twitter Card and Facebook Open graph Meta in a simple way with Twig extension.
####Define specific account data in parameters.yml.dist parameters: facebook_app_id: XXX twitter_widget_id: XXX twitter_default_account: XXX
####Update globals twig: globals: facebook_app_id: %facebook_app_id% twitter_default_account: %twitter_default_account%
####Call twig extension within twig template
partner is an entity which has all needed informations to generate basic open graph meta and basic twitter card (only supported for now).
{% block head_meta %}
{{ allMetas({'title': partner.title, 'description':partner.description,
'url': path('get_partner', { 'alias': partner.alias }) , 'object':partner, 'images': partner.partnerMedias}) }}
{% endblock %}
##Using the switch lang feature
##Using some extended mopa forms
We extends the mopa form widget with some updated widgets.
Have a look to Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig
And setup mopa to use that form field definition file
templating: DacorpExtraBundle:Form:fields.html.twig
##Some useful services ###ymlFileManager: service for loading ymlFile as array
namespace YourCorp\CoreBundle\Services\Manager;
use Dacorp\ExtraBundle\Services\YmlFileManager;
class YmlRankedListManager
* @var YmlFileManager
private $ymlFileManager;
public function __construct(YmlFileManager $ymlFileManager)
$this->ymlFileManager = $ymlFileManager;
# inject the serice "dacorp.manager.yml_file" in your service and use it like this
public function loadYmlRankedList($fileName='default_ranked_list.yml')
$dataArray = $this->ymlFileManager->loadYmlFile($fileName);
$dataArray = $this->ymlFileManager->loadYmlFile($fileName);
foreach ($dataArray as $key => $data) {
// do stuff with data