Website for the open source web technology-based game engine Splat.
If you found a mistake on the website or have a question, please feel free to do any of the following:
- Contact the author @alexbezuska on twitter, or via email:
- Submit a github issue
- Submit a pull request
Please be sure to include any or all of the following information:
- name - The name of your game.
- source - This is usually a github link, you are not required to share your source to be on the site
- platforms - These are links to where people can play/buy/download your game example: web, chrome, mac, linux (please include links!)
- license - This will let others know if your game is open source, if you are unsure just use 'proprietary'
- image - Image required, gifs are awesome (size 315x 250)
- team member names - Here you can list the people or studio that made the game
- description - A short 1-3 sentence description of the game
- splat version - This can be found in package.json
- last change date - This is the date you released the game or stopped working on it
- jams - List any jams the game was submitted to with names and links to the game's jam page(s)
If you are familiar with git, github, and pull requests you can:
- Fork this project and clone your fork to your local machine (or edit on github)
- Make edits to the appropriate js file located in
- Submit a pull request to the master branch with your changes and a brief description
If you don't know how to make a pull request or are not sure:
- Head to and use the form to submit your game
- for the issue title you can say something like "please add X game to the site"
If you don't have a github account you can email me
- Send your game info to
The site is manually uploaded to and I can update it as needed.