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Hauke Roggenkamp edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the forecast-uncertainty wiki!

There is a lot content to be added here. Have a look at this example provided by the social science data editors.


The typical README in social science journals serves the purpose of guiding a reader through the available material and a route to replicating the results in the research paper, including the description of the origins of data and/or description of programs. As such, a good README file should first provide a brief overview of the available material and a brief guide as to how to proceed from beginning to end, before then diving into the specifics.

Instructions for Data Preparation and Analysis

The README should specify the instructions allowing a replicator to produce the same results. This should include separately instructions for data preparation and for analysis. We note that a good replication package uses a minimal number of automated scripts, with no manual interventions required unless absolutely unavoidable.

Computational Requirements

While for simple replication packages, computational requirements may appear to be trivial (a laptop and some common software), this is not always so (expensive commercial software and a super computer cluster). In order to assess the complexity of the task of replicating, authors should specify each of the following elements:

  • Software used, including version number as used. If the code is expected to run with a lower version number, that should be added.
  • Any additional packages, including their version number or similar, as used.
  • The computer hardware specification as used by the author, in terms of OS, CPU generation and quantity, memory and necessary disk space. > - If multiple computers were used, the specification for each should be identified.
  • The wall-clock time given the provided computer hardware, expressed in appropriate units (minutes, days).
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