- Play tic tac toe against a friend or computer. Using an AFL theme where you can choose your afl club.
- Select a home and an away team for a match to commence.
- Select game mode player 2 gainst a friend or computer play against the computer
- Home team will go first on the first occassion and then turns will alternate.
- Rematch button will appear after the game has ended to keep sequence of games going.
- Scoreboard will update the total wins for each team.
- When a new team is selected the tally will retun to zero and home team will have the first turn.
For either team to win they need to select three footballs that are in a sequence horizontally, vertically or diagnally. When there isn't a sequence of three for a given team the game will end in a draw.
- css for styling of the different componets of the game.
- html for the content of the game
- javascript used to create the game logic and manipulation of the DOM to change the display to the browser.