Welcome to the Algorithms_Library repository! This library is a comprehensive collection of algorithms across various domains, meticulously implemented in Java. Each algorithm is designed to be flexible, modifiable, and educational, making it an excellent resource for students, developers, and researchers alike. Below is a detailed breakdown of the algorithms included in this repository:
This section includes fundamental data structures and their associated operations, which are the building blocks of many algorithms.
- Array: Basic array operations and manipulations.
- Binary Tree: Implementation of binary trees with standard operations.
- Doubly Linked List: Operations on doubly linked lists.
- Singly Linked List: Operations on singly linked lists.
- Queue (Array-based): Queue operations using arrays.
- Queue (Linked List-based): Queue operations using linked lists.
- Stack (Array-based): Stack operations using arrays.
- Stack (Linked List-based): Stack operations using linked lists.
Algorithms for searching and sorting, fundamental for efficient data processing.
- Binary Tree Search: Efficient searching within a binary tree.
- Bubble Sort: Classic sorting algorithm for small datasets.
- Insertion Sort: Simple and efficient for small or partially sorted datasets.
- Linear Search: Basic search technique for unsorted datasets.
- Selection Sort: Another simple sorting algorithm for educational purposes.
This section focuses on encryption algorithms, crucial for information security.
- Affine Cipher: A type of monoalphabetic substitution cipher.
- Caesar Algorithm: A well-known substitution cipher.
- Decimation: An encryption algorithm using mathematical decimation.
- Geometric Patterns: Using geometric patterns for encryption.
- Hill Cipher: A polygraphic substitution cipher.
- Playfair Cipher: A digraph substitution cipher.
- Vigenère Cipher: A method of encrypting alphabetic text using a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution.
Algorithms to detect and handle deadlocks in system processes.
- Deadlock Detection: Identifying deadlocks in a system.
- Resource Request Safety: Ensuring resource requests do not lead to deadlocks.
- Safe State: Maintaining a system in a safe state to avoid deadlocks.
Techniques for efficient memory allocation.
- Best Fit: Allocating the smallest sufficient memory block.
- First Fit: Allocating the first sufficient memory block.
- Next Fit: Allocating the next sufficient memory block after the last allocated block.
Scheduling algorithms to manage processes in an operating system.
- First-Come, First-Served (FCFS): Scheduling processes in the order they arrive.
- Priority Scheduling: Scheduling processes based on priority.
- Round Robin (RR): Time-sharing scheduling algorithm.
- Shortest Job First (SJF): Scheduling the shortest processes first.
Algorithms for tackling complex problems.
- Back Propagation: A key algorithm for training neural networks.
- Knapsack Problem: A dynamic programming solution to the classic optimization problem.
I welcome contributions to this repository and aim to develop it into a scientific resource for researchers and specialists in developing algorithms in Java 🥇 and C# 💡 .