A Web Application. Updated to ASP.NET MVC5.
Please note this was an old application we at HubIT club accepted to contribute at. And the difficulties we faced was from the poor code design. Yet, it was a good 'real world' challenge.
- Stage. AppHarbor Will deploy from this one every time it detects pushes.
- Develop. Merge any branches to this one before merging to stage/master.
- Master. Code ready for production server.
- We recommend to open this project using the free Visual Studio Community IDE.
- If possible install ReSharper.
- Use Git control version system. Learn it in 15 minutes
- Commit often.
- Write your commit message in the imperative: "Fix bug" and not "Fixed bug" or "Fixes bug."
Please add your author name on this list for your contributions, as well as on the code as needed. Open Source/Free contribution Culture
- Rizart Dokollari r.dokollari@gmail.com
- Antony Kalogeropoulos anthony.kalogeropoulos@gmail.com
- Mark Kethisouaran
- Gregory Kyriazis
- Julia Pustowoj