This project aim to provide a sub-IDE-like vim(light, structured and strong) for vim users. Hope that more people will fall in love with Vim through this projectπππ.
- wsl ubuntu-22.04
- vim >= 9.0
- git
- use nerd font nerd font
What you should do is very simple, just follow the following steps:
- install git
sudo apt install git
- make sure there are no files names .vimrc under your home directory and no dir called vim in .config
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.bak
mv ~/.config/vim ~/.config/vim.bak
- donwload & run install script
curl -O -L | bash
- get into vim and run following commands
" download all plugins (it may take a while)
" quit, then enter again ...
" 1. login codium AI (proxy needed)
:Codium Auth
" 2. init markdown-preview
:call mkdp#util#install()
- Join it !!! ππππ
The mechanism of vim config starts from ~/.vimrc
file under your home directory. All the configs will load from this file. However, in order to make it more structured, we devide the original whole file to many parts as the form of fils and directories and move all of them to the ~/.config/vim
directory. Now I will introduce you the structure of configs.
only one line in this file to import all configs in the directory ~/.config/vim
import '~/.config/vim/config/init.vim'
βββ config
βββ share
there are two sub-directories: config
and share
. Among them config
is the config of vim and share
is the place we strore all plugins so we can make it isolated with system.
βββ colors.vim
βββ diy
βΒ Β βββ code_runner.vim
βΒ Β βββ comment.vim
βΒ Β βββ indent.vim
βΒ Β βββ remember.vim
βββ diy.vim
βββ init.vim
βββ keymaps.vim
βββ plugins
βΒ Β βββ completion.vim
βΒ Β βββ dbui.vim
βΒ Β βββ indentLine.vim
βΒ Β βββ mkdp.vim
βΒ Β βββ nerdtree.vim
βΒ Β βββ syntatic.vim
βββ plugins.vim
this is the main part what I wnat to introduce.
I want to separate the config of vim to five parts, they are: color settings, diy functions, init(main file), keymaps and plugins.
this is the main file of all configs. It contains import sentences of other modules, and some basic settings.
!!! notice that you can not change the order of import modules randomly! especially the keymaps.vim
and plugins.vim
. So I suggest you do not change this file unless you know what you are doing.
this part is writen in colors.vim
, including 'which colorscheme to use', 'other settings to make our code more beautiful' and 'a simple statusline writen in vim', if you have your own opinion, you can change it in colors.vim
this part is writen in diy.vim
, including 'code runner', 'comment', 'indent', 'remember'. The details of each function are stored in folder diy\
. If you want to add new function, just create source file in diy\
and import it in diy.vim
as I have done.
Here are the functions of what I have add to diy.vim
: run code by simple typectrl-b
, you can add more file-type incode_runner.vim
and change the run way according to your own conditions. Currently support(and eviroment requirements) :
filetype:env = [
'verilog':['iverilog', 'gtkwave'],
: comment code under visual mode by simple typectrl-/
, and cancel it byctrl-/
too. There is some other options:ctrl-j
to comment andctrl-k
to uncomment. There is only a litte difference between these two ways: the former will add comment at '^' and the latter will add comment at '0'(I assume that you know the meaning of '^' and '0'). For example, if you want to add comment to a cpp snippet:
void bubble_sort(int *a, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j)
if (a[j] > a[j + 1])
std::swap(a[j], a[j + 1]);
now we select line 2 ~ 5, if we use ctrl-/
, we will get:
void bubble_sort(int *a, int n) {
// for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j)
// if (a[j] > a[j + 1])
// std::swap(a[j], a[j + 1]);
but if you use ctrl-j
, we will get:
void bubble_sort(int *a, int n) {
// for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j)
// if (a[j] > a[j + 1])
// std::swap(a[j], a[j + 1]);
but for uncomment, those two ways are same.
: simple indent style controller, this will atomatically switch the style of indent between '2' and '4' according to filetype. -
: remember the line position of cursor.
self defined keymaps is one of the most charm of vim. It is writen in keymaps.vim
. And you can add your own keymaps in keymaps.vim
directly. Here are some default keymaps added by me:
Mode | Short Cut | Mean | Mapped To | Type |
Insert | jk |
Exit insert mode | <Esc> |
System |
Insert | Ctrl+s |
Save | :w<CR>a |
System |
Insert | ' |
Insert '' in insert mode | ''<Left> |
System |
Insert | " |
Insert "" in insert mode | ""<Left> |
System |
Insert | ( |
Insert () in insert mode | ()<Left> |
System |
Insert | [ |
Insert [] in insert mode | []<Left> |
System |
Insert | { |
Insert {} in insert mode | {}<Left> |
System |
Insert | {+Enter |
Insert {} in insert mode | {}<Left><CR><Esc>O |
System |
Insert | gb |
Go back to last change | <Esc>u<C-r>a |
System |
Normal | JK |
Quit vim | :q<CR> |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+a |
Select all | gg0vG$ |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+s |
Save | :w<CR> |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+j |
Jump between windows, move down | <C-W>j |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+k |
Jump between windows, move up | <C-W>k |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+h |
Jump between windows, move right | <C-W>h |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+l |
Jump between windows, move left | <C-W>l |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+c |
Copy to clipboard | :silent w !clip.exe<CR> |
System |
Normal | H |
Move to line start | ^ |
System |
Normal | L |
Move to line end | $ |
System |
Normal | U |
Redo | <C-r> |
System |
Normal | <leader>mm |
Remove highlight | :noh<CR> |
System |
Normal | Alt+j |
Move line down | ddp |
System |
Normal | Alt+k |
Move line up | ddkkp |
System |
Normal | <leader>h |
Open terminal horizontally | :ter<CR><C-w><C-r><C-\><C-n>:resize -3<CR>i |
System |
Normal | <leader>v |
Open terminal vertically | :set nowrap<CR>:vert ter<CR><C-w><C-r> |
System |
Normal | F3 |
Toggle scrollbind | :set scrollbind<CR> |
System |
Normal | Shift+F3 |
Toggle scrollbind off | :set noscrollbind<CR> |
System |
Normal | gb |
Go back to last change | u<C-r> |
System |
Normal | Tab |
Next buffer | :bnext<CR> |
System |
Normal | Shift+Tab |
Previous buffer | :bprevious<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>fo |
Open old files | :browse oldfiles<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>x |
Close buffer | :bdelete<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>ff |
Open file manager | :Files<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>so |
Reload vimrc | :w!<CR>:so %<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>mp |
Open keymaps.vim | :e ~/.config/vim/config/keymaps.vim<CR> |
System |
Normal | <leader>g |
Trigger git command mode | :Git |
System |
Normal | Ctrl+b |
Run Code Runner | :call CodeRunner() |
Diy |
Normal | Ctrl+/ |
Toggle Comment | :call ToggleComment() |
Diy |
Normal | <leader>j |
Comment | |
Diy |
Normal | <leader>k |
Uncomment | |
Diy |
Visual | q |
Exit visual mode | <Esc> |
System |
Visual | " |
Wrap selected by " |
hdi"<Esc>pla"<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | ' |
Wrap selected by ' |
hdi'<Esc>pla'<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | ( |
Wrap selected by () |
hdi(<Esc>pla)<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | [ |
Wrap selected by [] |
hdi[<Esc>pla]<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | { |
Wrap selected by {} |
hdi{<Esc>pla}<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | ` | Wrap selected by ` |
hdi pla<Esc>l |
System |
Visual | < |
Move visual block left | <gv> |
System |
Visual | > |
Move visual block right | >gv> |
System |
Visual | Ctrl+c |
Copy selected to clipboard | :silent w !clip.exe<CR> |
System |
Visual | H |
Select to line start | ^ |
System |
Visual | L |
Select to line end | $ |
System |
Terminal | Ctrl+x |
Exit terminal mode | <C-\><C-n> |
System |
Terminal | <leader>q |
Close terminal | <C-\><C-n>:q!<CR>:set wrap<CR> |
System |
Terminal | Ctrl+h |
Jump from terminal to normal, jump left | <C-w>h |
System |
Terminal | Ctrl+l |
Jump from terminal to normal, jump right | <C-w>l |
System |
Terminal | Ctrl+j |
Jump from terminal to normal, jump down | <C-w>j |
System |
Terminal | Ctrl+k |
Jump from terminal to normal, jump up | <C-w>k |
System |
Normal | sp |
Previous Error | :LocationPrevious<CR> |
Syntastic |
Normal | sn |
Next Error | :LocationNext<CR> |
Syntastic |
Normal | <Leader>ec |
Toggle Syntastic | :SyntasticToggleMode<CR> |
Syntastic |
Normal | <leader>m |
Open/Close Markdown Preview | :MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR> |
Markdown-Preview |
Normal | Ctrl+n |
Open/Close NERDTree | :NERDTreeToggle<CR> |
NERDTree |
Insert | Ctrl+] |
Accept suggestions by codeium AI | codeium#Accept() |
Codium |
Insert | Ctrl+Shift+j |
Next suggestions by codeium AI | call codeium#CycleCompletions(1) |
Codium |
Insert | Ctrl+Shift+k |
Previous suggestions by codeium AI | call codeium#CycleCompletions(-1) |
Codium |
Insert | Ctrl+x |
Clear suggestions by codeium AI | call codeium#Clear() |
Codium |
Normal | F4 |
Open/Close indent line | :IndentLinesToggle<CR> |
Indent Lines |
In this project I have donwload vim-plug as plugin manager and prepare some plugins for you to use. And the config of these plugins are in ~/.config/vim/config/plugins.vim
here are the links of them :
Feature Description | Plugin Link |
Auto Completion | vim-auto-popmenu |
Dictionary Completion | vim-dict |
Codeium | codeium.vim |
Enhanced C++ Syntax Highlighting | vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight |
Syntax Checking | syntastic |
Indent Line | indentLine |
Improved Comments | vim-better-comments |
Fugitive (Git Plugin) | vim-fugitive |
Git Gutter (Git Status in the Sign Column) | vim-gitgutter |
FZF (Fuzzy Search) | fzf |
FZF.vim (Fuzzy Search Plugin) | fzf.vim |
Markdown Preview | markdown-preview.nvim |
Mathjax Support (Markdown Preview Plugin) | mathjax-support-for-mkdp |
Database Operations (Dadbod) | vim-dadbod |
Database UI (Dadbod UI) | vim-dadbod-ui |
Show CSS Color | vim-css-color |
Sonokai (Theme) | sonokai |
Align Text | tabular |
NerdTree (File Tree) | nerdtree |
Devicons (Icon Support) | vim-devicons |
These are all I want to introduce, let's begin your adventure !!! ππ