Terminal tool to process files for the AI Lund project.
Takes the LUCRIS jsonl
files and extract information in plain text.
Allows extraction of the Swedish and English texts, and optionally filters out "opt-out" UUIDs.
Tries to connect people UUIDs from persons.jsonl
to research from research.jsonl
Also reads the other files (fingerprints, concepts and orgunits), but these are not processed yet.
Just dumps plain text to standard-out at the moment.
Process files for the AI Lund project.
Usage: lucris-rs [OPTIONS]
-r, --research <RESEARCH> The file containing the cleaned research-outputs.
-p, --persons <PERSONS> The file containing the cleaned persons.
-f, --fingerprints <FINGERPRINTS> The file containing the cleaned fingerprints.
-c, --concepts <CONCEPTS> The file containing the cleaned concepts.
-o, --orgunits <ORGUNITS> The file containing the cleaned organisational-units.
-u, --optout <OPTOUT> The file containing the opt-out uuids.
-l, --locale <LOCALE> Sets the locale for the extracted texts [default: en_GB]
--ll <LOG_LEVEL> Sets the level of logging; error, warn, info, debug, or trace [default: warn]
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version
lucris-rs -p cleaned/persons.clean.jsonl -r cleaned/research-outputs.clean.jsonl
If you have the rust toolchain, you can install from git.
cargo install --git https://github.com/HumlabLu/lucris-rs.git