In your Xcode project, select File > Add Package Dependency and enter this repository URL: .
Import and init the framework in your project:
import DelightAI
let delightAI = DelightAI()
Call the sendChat function to send user text/prompt, then wait for agent response. Here is the async/await version.
do {
let result = try await delight.sendChat(text: "Hello", // text to DelightAI, usually user’s message or prompt
webhookId: "6b86705a-8b32-48d2-b176-ba518bb3d1e0", // our demo webhook id, or your agent’s actual webhook id from
userId: "Wi-iOS-9937-491d-aefd-xxxxx",
username: "Wi-iOS-9937-491d-aefd-xxxxx")
// use result
} catch {
// ...
Also supports the completion handler variant.
do {
delight.sendChat(text: text,
webhookId: webhookId,
userId: userId,
username: username) { result in
switch result {
case.success(let success):
case .failure(let failure):
} catch {
// ...