SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS variable is set to localhost, but this is going to work only on Linux. Mac and Windows users should replace it e.g. with an IP address of virtual machine which is hosting docker. Conf folder contains subfolders with spark-defaults.conf files, and its content is mounted to containers /conf directory.
To start Apache Spark Standalone cluster:
docker-compose up
command should be executed from folder in which docker-compose.yml file is located.
Start a docker container using following command. Doing “docker ps” would display a container with name “driver”. Note the port “4041:4040”. This has been done because we have earlier used host 4040 port while setting up master.
docker run -it -p 8088:8088 -p 8042:8042 -p 4041:4040 --name driver -h driver spark:latest bash
As you execute above, you get inside the docker container. Execute following command to start the spark shell (Driver) program – “spark-shell –master spark://IP:PORT”. Details in this relation could be found on this page.
spark-shell --master spark://