Have you heard that time-reversible codon substitution models are biased when multiple sequence alignments exhibit non-stationarity? Would you like to fit non-stationary codon substitution models to your data? This package provides a suite of command-line tools to fit non-stationary codon substitution models.
It was used to produce the results in our paper on the subject.
There are several undocumented features of this package, such as interfacing with MongoDB databases, processing large datasets in parallel using MPI, and accessing our extensions of PyCogent models programmatically using Python. If you would like information on any of these, please post a ticket with your request.
You have an alignment of Human, Mouse, and Opossum in the file aln.fasta
You have a tree in the file tree.nwk
You can fit GNC from the paper using:
codon fit aln.fasta tree.nwk GNC.txt
The result will be in GNC.txt
Likelihood Function Table
edge parent length A>C A>G A>T C>A C>G
Human root 0.0808 5.9707 4.3949 6.5200 8.0418 0.0500
Mouse root 0.2119 0.9965 1.4484 0.8000 0.2648 0.0500
Opossum root 0.3457 0.9909 1.7200 2.3427 4.3204 1.2068
edge C>T G>A G>C G>T T>A T>C omega
Human 8.8596 20.0000 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 10.7019 0.0150
Mouse 0.4895 0.9670 0.0500 0.0500 0.2828 1.5363 0.0000
Opossum 2.9152 6.9261 0.0500 2.3511 1.0258 2.7257 0.0148
motif mprobs
CTT 0.0180
ACC 0.0121
ACA 0.0387
ACG 0.0000
ATC 0.0111
ATA 0.0123
AGG 0.0128
CCT 0.0170
AGC 0.0133
AGA 0.0171
ATT 0.0246
CTG 0.0065
CTA 0.0109
ACT 0.0152
CCG 0.0000
AGT 0.0468
CCA 0.0193
CCC 0.0058
TAT 0.0188
GGT 0.0121
CGA 0.0091
CGC 0.0000
CGG 0.0061
GGG 0.0031
GGA 0.0115
GGC 0.0182
TAC 0.0112
CGT 0.0059
GTA 0.0087
GTC 0.0063
GTG 0.0151
GAG 0.0324
GTT 0.0090
GAC 0.0109
ATG 0.0240
AAG 0.0269
AAA 0.0452
AAC 0.0335
CTC 0.0090
CAT 0.0098
AAT 0.0295
CAC 0.0202
CAA 0.0094
CAG 0.0386
TGT 0.0208
TCT 0.0128
GAT 0.0402
TTT 0.0090
TGC 0.0032
TGG 0.0060
TTC 0.0060
TCG 0.0000
TTA 0.0352
TTG 0.0165
TCC 0.0086
GAA 0.0487
TCA 0.0147
GCA 0.0412
GCC 0.0160
GCG 0.0000
GCT 0.0149
pip install numpy # for PyCogent
pip install codon
On Read the Docs.
Issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/nonstationary/codon/issues
Source Code: https://bitbucket.org/nonstationary/codon
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