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eLaborate (backend)

Github build Project Status: Inactive – The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows.

What is eLaborate?

eLaborate is an online work environment in which scholars can upload scans, transcribe and annotate text, and publish the results as on online text edition which is freely available to all users. eLaborate is developed by Huygens ING.

This project is the REST-based backend, which connects with database and SOLR index. It compiles to a webapp.


download the codebase

git clone

Set up the database

psql elaborate_projects < sql/schema.sql

Set up the solr webapp Use the config files in the solr/ directory.

Build the backend webapp

cd elab4
mvn install
cd elab4-backend
mvn -P example package

copy the .war in target/ to your tomcat's webapp directory



GET /about

returns the backend build version as JSON

example output:

  builddate: "Mon, Jan 27, 2014 11:59:00 AM",
  build: "20140127115900",
  version: "4.0"


To login as the root user with the default password: POST /sessions/login/

data to post: "username=root&password=toor"

All the following REST calls need and Authorization header. All POST/PUT calls accept and return JSON, unless otherwise specified.


  • Create: POST /users

      "username" : "new_user",
      "email" : "",
      "firstName" : "New",
      "lastName" : "User",
      "role" : "USER",
      "password" : "laswysdfas23"
  • Read: GET /users

  • Update: PUT /users/{user_id}

      "email" : "",
      "firstName" : "New",
      "lastName" : "User",
      "role" : "USER",
      "password" : "laswysdfas23"
  • Delete: DELETE /users/{user_id}

  • request a password reset (sends email) POST /sessions/passwordresetrequest

    send the user's e-mail address as data, sends an email with a link to the password reset frontent page

  • reset password POST /sessions/passwordreset

      "emailAddress" : "",
      "newPassword" : "newpassword",
      "token" : "aasd13413as"

    where token is the token given in the email


  • Create: POST /projectmetadatafields

      "fieldName" : "whatever"
  • Read: all: GET /projectmetadatafields specific: GET /projectmetadatafields/{field_id}

  • Update: PUT /projectmetadatafields/{field_id}

      "fieldName" : ""
  • Delete: DELETE /projectmetadatafields/{field_id}

annotation types

  • Create: POST /annotationtypes

      "name" : "short_name"
      "description" : "Longer description"
  • Read:

    all: GET /annotationtypes

    specific: GET /annotationtypes/{type_id}

  • Update: PUT /annotationtypes/{type_id}

      "name" : "different_short_name"
      "description" : "Updated description"
  • Delete: DELETE /annotationtypes/{type_id}

  • get metadata: GET /annotationtypes/{type_id}/metadataitems

  • add metadata: POST /annotationtypes/{type_id}/metadataitems/{meta_id}

      "name" : "fieldname"
      "description" : "Description of the field"
  • update metadata: PUT /annotationtypes/{type_id}/metadataitems/{meta_id}

      "name" : "different fieldname"
      "description" : "Different description"
  • delete metadata: DELETE /annotationtypes/{type_id}/metadataitems/{meta_id}


  • Create: POST /projects

      "title" : "project title",
      "textLayers" : [ "Diplomatic", "Critical", "Translation"]
  • Read:

    all: GET /projects

    specific: GET /projects/{project_id}

  • Delete: DELETE /projects/{project_id}

project textlayers

  • update project textlayer settings: PUT /projects/{project_id}/textlayers

    [ "first","second","third" ]

project sorting/grouping levels

  • update project sorting/grouping levels: PUT /projects/{project_id}/sortlevels

    [ "level1","level2","level3" ]

project annotation types

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/annotationtypes

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/annotationtypes


project logentries

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/logentries

project users

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/projectusers gives an array of user ids

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/projectusers


project settings

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/settings

  • update project settings: PUT /projects/{project_id}/settings

      "Type" : "Letter project",
      "Version" : "0.1"

    extra system-defined project settings variables (optional):
    text.font - use when a special (unicode) font is necessary to display the textlayer texts. publication.title - use when the publication needs a different title from the title in the edit environment.

    entry.term_singular - the name used in this project to indicate a single entry (eg. 'letter') entry.term_plural - the name used in this project to indicate multiple entries (eg. 'letters') - short name for the annotationtype to be displayed as bold for this project annotationtype.b.description - longer description for the annotationtype to be displayed as bold for this project - short name for the annotationtype to be displayed as italic annotationtype.i.description - longer description for the annotationtype to be displayed as italic - short name for the annotationtype to be displayed as underline annotationtype.u.description - longer description for the annotationtype to be displayed as underline - short name for the annotationtype to be displayed as strikethrough annotationtype.strike.description - longer description for the annotationtype to be displayed as strikethrough

project entry metadatafields

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/entrymetadatafields

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entrymetadatafields

    [ "field1", "field2" ]

project entries

  • all entries for this project: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries


  • Create: POST /projects/{project_id}/entries

      "name" : "project-unique name",
      "publishable" : false

    publishable is optional, default is false;

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}

      "name" : "project-unique name",
      "publishable" : true

    publishable is optional

  • Delete: DELETE /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}

  • get previous/next entry ids: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/prevnext

      "prev" : 1234,
      "next" : 1235

    when prev=-1, entry {entry_id} is the first. when next=-1, entry {entry_id} is the last. The entry ids are sorted in alphabetical order using the contents of the metadata fields as defined in project.level1, project.level2 and project.level3, and the entryname.

  • Read entry settings: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/settings

  • entrysettings bijwerken: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/settings

      "key" : "value",

    where the values are strings.

  • update multiple entrysettings: PUT /projects/{project_id}/multipleentrysettings

      "projectEntryIds" : [1,2,3],
      "settings" : {
        "Publishable" : false,
        "field1" : "value1",
        "field2" : "value2",

    where the (selected) projectEntityIds are longs, settings is a hashmap, Publishable is a boolean, and all other values are strings.

  • all transcripties for this entry: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions


  • Create: POST /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/facsimiles

      "name" : "page 1",
      "filename" : "00000001.jpg"
      "zoomableUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/jp2/13507286068671.jp2"
  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/facsimiles/{facsimile_id}

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/facsimiles/{facsimile_id}

      "name" : "pagina 1",
      "filename" : "00000001.jpg"
      "zoomableUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/jp2/13507286068671.jp2"
  • Delete: DELETE /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/facsimiles/{facsimile_id}


  • Create: POST /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions

      "body": "transcription body",
      "textLayer": "Diplomatic",
  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}

      "body": "transcription body",
      "textLayer": "Diplomatic",
      "id": 13413
  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}

      "body": "new body",
  • Delete: DELETE /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}

  • all annotations for this transcription: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}/annotations


  • Create: POST /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}/annotations

      "body" : "the annotation body",
      "typeId" : 1
      "metadata" : {
         "field1" : "value1",
         "field2" : "value"

    where typeId is the id of the AnnotationType used, default is 1 metadata is a hashmap with values for the relevant fields defined by the AnnotationType

  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}

  • Update: PUT /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}

      "body" : "the annotation body",
      "typeId" : 1
      "metadata" : {
         "field1" : "value1",
         "field2" : "value"
  • Delete: DELETE /projects/{project_id}/entries/{entry_id}/transcriptions/{transcription_id}/annotations/{annotation_id}


  • Create: POST /projects/{project_id}/search

      "term" : "*",
      "caseSensitive" : false,
      "fuzzy" : false,
      "searchInTranscriptions" : true,
      "textLayers" : [ ],
      "searchInAnnotations" : false,
      "resultFields" : ["Document title","Author(s)"],
      "facetFields" : [ ],
      "facetInfoMap" : null,
      "orderLevels" : [ ],
      "level1Field" : "name",
      "level2Field" : "name",
      "level3Field" : "name",
      "textFieldsToSearch" : { },
      "facetValues" : [ ]
  • Read: GET /projects/{project_id}/search/{search_id}


The projectleader or admin user can publish a draft of the project via POST /projects/{project_id}/draft

You can POST some json settings:

  "projectEntryMetadataFields" : ["Page","Part"],
  "annotationTypeIds" : [1,2,3]

where projectEntryMetadataFields is an array of those metadata fields that should be included in the publication (as facets), in the given order. By default all metadata fields will be included, in the order set in the project.

annotationTypeIds is a list of ids of those annotationtypes that should be included in the publication. By default all annotationtypes will be included.

For the publication, the project metadata, and the entry content will be exported to json, the entry text will be indexed, and everything will be packaged into a war file that is deployed to the tomcat server. The post will start the publication process in the background, and return a Location header with a link to the progress of the publishing: a json map with the following keys:

  • id - the publication task id
  • done - boolean set to true when the publishing is finished.
  • fail - boolean set to true when the publishing has been cancelled due to an internal error, the cause will be logged in a logline.
  • url - the url where the publication can be seen once the publishing has finished successfully.
  • loglines - an array of log lines with timestamps, indicating the progress of the publishing process.

Only those entries that have publishable=true will be shown in the publication.

The publication has a search comparable to the backend, with the exception of the need to login, and to provide the projectId.

Last updated: 2014-03-27