This repository holds all of my public packages. All packages are published under the @ignhycord prefix on NPM
: A basic app used to test and debug packages@hycord/logger
: a basic logging library shared by all of my applications and packages@hycord/math
: a basic math library shared by all of my applications and packages@hycord/discord
: a fully featured discord API library for my bots@hycord/neural
: a basic neural network library to mess around with AI@hycord/image
: a basic canvas handling API which simplifies creating, drawing, and rendering canvases in node@hycord/eslint-config
configurations (includeseslint-config-next
s used throughout the monorepo@hycord/example
: an example package that can be copied to scaffold a new package.
Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.
This Turborepo has some additional tools setup:
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting
To build all apps and packages, run the following command:
pnpm build
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
(ensure you run git submodule update --init --recursive
pnpm dev
To publish a package just run the following command:
pnpm pub
This will build and lint all packages, generate a changelog, increment versions, then publish to NPM.