World's First Haiku Ransomware/Malware
HaikuRansomware is an experimental ransomware project designed for educational and investigative purposes. Inspired by the art of poetry and the challenge of cryptography, this malware encrypts files with a custom extension and provides a ransom note with a poetic touch. This is a proof of concept aimed to push the boundaries of how creative ransomware can be designed.
- Encrypts files using AES-256-GCM encryption
- Skips already encrypted files and the ransom note itself
- Places a ransom note in every encrypted folder
- Uses the extension
for encrypted files
Every encrypted folder contains a ransom note, UTKUBABAPROHECKLEDI.txt, featuring lyrics from the video "UtkuBabaHeykır Hack'ledi Dünya'yı".
The lyrics in the note are:
"0:15\n♪ UtkuBabaHeykır Hack'ledi Dünya'yı ♪\n" << "0:19\n♪ Klavyeler gitti, kasalar patladı ♪\n" << "0:23\n♪ YouTube kanallarına DDOS atıldı ♪\n" << "0:27\n♪ Babapro heykır herkesi Hack'ledi ♪\n" << "0:31\n♪ Chat'e yazı yazıp bizi Hack'ledi ♪\n" << "0:36\n♪ Kendi bilgisayarına virüs indirdi ♪\n" << "0:40\n♪ Baba heykır, pro heykır, babapro heykır, Utkudoruk ♪\n" << "1:02\n♪ Utkudoruk, babapro heykır ♪\n" << "1:06\n♪ Utkudoruk, baba, baba hiçkır ♪\n" << "1:10\n♪ Utkudoruk, babapro heykır ♪\n" << "1:14\n♪ Utkudrk, baba baba hiçkır ♪\n" << "1:18\n♪ Chat'e yazı yazıp bizi Hack'ledi ♪\n" << "1:23\n♪ Kendi bilgisayarına virüs indirdi ♪\n" << "1:27\n♪ Baba heykır, pro heykır, babapro heykır, Utkudoruk ♪\n" << "1:34\n♪ Baba heykır, pro heykır, babapro heykır, Utkudoruk ♪\n" << "1:42\n♪ Baba heykır, pro heykır, babapro heykır, Utkudoruk ♪\n" << "\nVideo Reference:\n";
Author: Emirhan Ucan, Utku Doruk Bayraktar (this guy is meme) Project Name: HaikuRansomware Version: 0.2
MBR and UEFI payloads added
Learn UEFI: Learn MBR:
This ransomware made in two days.