This is a (docker-friendly) ros packages for orb slam2.
Since original ros examples were outdated (as we don't use rosbuild_init or manifest.xml ...),
I modified the CMakeLists and package.xml to make it run on your "current" ros.
Example .cc file ( is the identical with the original.
(you can check here
you first need to build orbslam2 with the instruction on
If you use dockerfile (hyeonjaegil/orbslam2:base), you don't have to go through time-consuming build process.
Everything is built inside a docker image.
After that, you should change the ORB_SLAM2_DIR in CMakeLists.txt of this package to the directory you cloned.
Currently, it is /root/ORB_SLAM2, and if you use docker, you don't have to fix it.
Everything was tested on Docker(ROS Melodic, opencv3.4).
But if ORB_SLAM2 were built successfully on your local machine, there would be no problem running this package on local.
(You should change ORB_SLAM2_DIR in CMakeLists.txt, though!)
$ docker pull hyeonjaegil/orbslam2:ros
$ docker run --gpus all --rm -it --ipc=host --net=host --privileged \
--env="DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY" \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
--runtime=nvidia \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
You should enable GUI inside a container in order to run Pangolin viewer. The most simple way is to share xhost between local and container.
xhost + local:docker
$ rosrun orbslam-ros RGBD \
/root/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt \
- For Mono or Stereo example, adjust yaml files (similar to original ORB SLAM2)
- You should prepare external camera so that it can publish image topics.
Feel free to contact for other questions via email ( or github issues.