오디오 플레이어
전체OS SDK 동시배포
--XCFramework 생성 on startXCFramework(path, name, type) set pathString to path as string set nameString to name as string set typeString to type as string set savePath to "./release"
tell application "Terminal"
set xcarchive to "" as string
set xcframework to "" as string
#SDK폴더 이동
set cdCmd to "cd */" & nameString & ";" as string
set buildCmd to " Xcodebuild -create-xcframework" as string
set outputCmd to " -output " & savePath & "/" & nameString & ".xcframework" as string
set iosXcarchive to " Xcodebuild archive -scheme " & nameString & " -archivePath " & savePath & "/iOS.xcarchive -sdk iphoneos SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES;" as string
set iosSimXcarchive to " Xcodebuild archive -scheme " & nameString & " -archivePath " & savePath & "/iOS_SIM.xcarchive -sdk iphonesimulator SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES;" as string
set macosXcarchive to " Xcodebuild archive -scheme " & nameString & " -archivePath " & savePath & "/MacOS.xcarchive SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES;" as string
set iosFramework to " -framework " & savePath & "/iOS.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/" & nameString & ".framework" as string
set iosSimFramework to " -framework " & savePath & "/iOS_SIM.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/" & nameString & ".framework" as string
set macosFramework to " -framework " & savePath & "/MacOS.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/" & nameString & ".framework" as string
#OutPut XCFrmaework
if typeString is "iOS" then
set xcarchive to iosXcarchive & iosSimXcarchive
set xcframework to iosFramework & iosSimFramework
else if typeString is "MacOS" then
set xcarchive to macosXcarchive
set xcframework to macosFramework
else if typeString is "iOS & MacOS" then
set xcarchive to iosXcarchive & iosSimXcarchive & macosXcarchive
set xcframework to iosFramework & iosSimFramework & macosFramework
end if
-- 경로 이동 -- 아카이브 설정 -- 빌드 실행 -- 프렘워크 생성 -- 결과물
do script cdCmd & xcarchive & buildCmd & xcframework & outputCmd
end tell
end startXCFramework
--파일열기 tell application "Finder" activate set filePath to choose folder with prompt "SDK를 선택해주세요." set filePath to POSIX path of filePath set fileName to name of (info for (POSIX file filePath as alias))
set distributionTypes to {"iOS", "MacOS", "iOS & MacOS"}
set selectedType to choose from list distributionTypes with prompt "지원하실 플렛폼을 선택해주세요.(Default:iOS)" default items {"iOS"}
my startXCFramework(filePath, fileName, selectedType)
end tell