This is the repository of FlexDR backend application developed within I-NERGY UC7 project.
FlexDR service consists of additional services which can be found using the following urls:
- FlexDR Front-end repository I-NERGY FlexDR frontend repository
- FlexDR Orchestration engine I-NERGY FlexDR orchestration engine repository
This section provides instructions to deploy FlexDR FastAPI service and MongoDB locally in docker containers, using Docker Compose. Docker-compose file makes use of the environment variables defined in env file which contains default values for local installation. In order to start the containers, run:
docker-compose --env-file=.env.local up --build -d
In order see endpoints documentation users can visit the url: <service_url>:<service_port>/docs e.g. http://localhost:8002/docs:
More details on how interact with the application could be found in the documentation section of the repository.
In order to run the tests: