- For the backend folder -- run these commends in the terminal window of your code editor;
*npm init *npm install express mongodb nodemon *npm install --save-dev nodemon *npm install bcrypt *npm install jsonwebtoken *npm run dev
** When application is running in terminal a .env file is required made in the src folder with the following information --
DB_ATLAS_URL='mongodb+srv://admin:root@cluster0.iyqsrsl.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority' APP_KEY='coffeeCarsQrCodes' STATIC_FILES_URL='https://ca2-n00192978.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/' STORAGE_ENGINE='S3' MY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='AKIAQHHE4OFHM4R2YQXX' MY_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='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' MY_AWS_REGION='eu-west-1' MY_AWS_BUCKET='ca2-n00192978'
These instruction help the application connect to the mongodatabase, the aws s3 bucket with all the info required to log in.
Please note:
- NO files larger than 100 MB can be committed using Github
- If you wish to use larger files that this investigate the large file storage (LFS) option.
- Include an appropriate .gitignore file for your source code.
Upload your source the code for your project to the "Source" folder
Upload your report to the "Docs" folder as a .pdf. You also have to submit this as a TurnItin document.
Create a walkthrough of your project with a voice-over. Upload a .mp4 file to video.