Ontology 3.1.0
For this release, all changes have been tracked using GitHub project view: https://github.com/users/IATA-Cargo/projects/2. All issues are linked to a pull request to properly follow all changes.
Detailed changelog
Below is the detailed changelog:
- Added custom annotations for WIP visualisation: Inverse and Element (#236)
- Added TemperatureInstructions to Piece ( #Add temperatureInstructons at Piece level #227)
- Removed Shipment#specialHandlingcodes (Remove Shipment#specialHandlingcodes #228)
- Renamed label of WaybillLineItem properly (Rename label of WaybillLineItem properly #234)
- Changed partyDetails to LogisticsAgent (Change partyDetails type #222)
- Fixed regex pattern of waybillNumber (waybillNumber xsd:pattern "[-9]+" incorrect, could be "[-0-9]+" #213)
- Removed line breaks in rdfs:comment annotations
- Reassignment of Agents, LoadingUnit for visualization
- Updated Code List Element documentation
- Fixes to Code List md and examples
- Added temperatureInstructions to Piece ( #Add temperatureInstructons at Piece level #227)
- Added new property textualPostalCode to Address (Change Address#postalCode type #221)
- Added new property operatingParties to TransportMovement (#229)
- Added new class AccountingNote (Review of Waybill#accountingInformation #231)
- Added new property accountingNoteIdentifier to AccountingNote (Review of Waybill#accountingInformation #231)
- Added new property accountingNoteText to AccountingNote (Review of Waybill#accountingInformation #231)
- Added new property accountingNotes to Waybill (Review of Waybill#accountingInformation #231)
- Added new property locationIndicator to OtherCharge (CXML Mapping XFWB - Add missing fields #247) - max 1, Location
- Added new property reasonDescription to OtherCharge (CXML Mapping XFWB - Add missing fields #247) - max 1, string
- Added new property chargeQuantity to OtherCharge (CXML Mapping XFWB - Add missing fields #247) - max 1, double
- Deprecated postalCode in favor of textualPostalCode (Change Address#postalCode type #221)
- Deprecated accountingInformation in favor of AccountingNote and included properties (Review of Waybill#accountingInformation #231)
- Removed specialHandlingCodes from Shipment (Remove Shipment#specialHandlingcodes #228)
- Changed value of partyDetails from Organization to LogisticsAgent (Change partyDetails type #222)
- Lifted cardinality restriction on regulatedEntityAcceptor in SecurityDeclaration (Set securityDeclaration#regulatedEntityAcceptor as an array #244)
- Added new code-lists ontology (DM: Refactor core code list ontology URIs to adhere to linked data best practices #268)
- Deprecated coreCodeLists ontology (DM: Refactor core code list ontology URIs to adhere to linked data best practices #268)
- Added new code list DensityGroupCodes (CXML Mapping XFWB - Add Code List 2 to ontology #248)
- Added property densityGroupCode to BookingShipment (Add Density Group Code data property #230)
- Mirrored DGR and Security Status Codes to the Special Handling Codes namespace for simplification as part of code list review (DM: Refactor core code list ontology URIs to adhere to linked data best practices #268)
Rework to WaybillLineItem (#265) as agreed on in DMWG 17/10 and CXML 12/11.
- Added new property pieceReferences to WaybillLineItem (CXML Mapping XFWB - Multiple dimensions for TransportLogisticsPackage grouping #265)
- Added new property uldReferences to WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed chargeableWeightForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed commodityItemNumberForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed dimensionsForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed goodsDescriptionForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed grossWeightForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed hsCodeForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed pieceCountForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed productionCountryForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed slacForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed uldTareWeightForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Deprecated and removed volumetricWeightForRate from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Removed uldOwnerCode from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Removed uldSerialNumber from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Removed uldType from WaybillLineItem (#265)
- Lifted cardinality restriction on ofShipment in Piece (DM: Piece can be part of multiple shipments, change from n:1 to n:n #275)
- Lifted cardinality restriction on issuedForPiece in SecurityDeclaration #280
API 2.1.0
For this release, all changes have been tracked using GitHub project view: API Changes.
Detailed changelog
Below is the detailed changelog:
- Add Revision and Latest Revision in the JSON object response
- hasError and hasErrorDetails ontology and documentation alignment
- Review Logistics Event filter parameter
- Introduction of VerificationRequest
More information can be found in the API Changelog page or directly on the change page.