##A DICOM WADO server in CouchDB v0.0##
- CouchDB. If you are a MAC user download and install CouchDBX from http://www.couch.io/get
- In a browser open
- In the Futon interface go to Configuration link in the Tools Menu
- In the section httpd change the bind_address parameter to
- Go to The Overview page and create a new database
- Go to Replicator link in the Tools Menu
- In the REPLICATE CHANGES FROM section select Remote database and type http://couchwado.couchone.com/couchwado if you want replicate the database without sample documents or type http://couchwado.couchone.com/couchwado-plus-images if you want replicate the database with the sample DICOM documents (You can replicate the database without Documents and insert your own Documents with the couchDICOM script: https://github.com/simonmd/couchdicom )
- In the TO section select Local database and select the database created above
- Click on Replicate button
- After the replication go to the _design/* documents in your database and change the var url in the list section to http://localhost:5984/yourDatabaseName/ (Do not forget the last slash (/) in the url variable)
- Go to http://localhost:5984/yourDatabaseName/_design/patient/_list/patient_list/patients?group=true
- Enjoy couchWADO