Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2020
This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
This terraform template deploys a kubernetes cluster within IBM Cloud's Kubernetes (IKS) service.\
Via this template, a configurable number of worker nodes can be deployed.
The user must be assigned the following access policies to deploy and manage clusters within IKS
- The Administrator IBM Cloud IAM platform role for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
- The Administrator IBM Cloud IAM platform role for IBM Cloud Container Registry
- The Writer or Manager IBM Cloud IAM service role for IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
Parameter name | Parameter description |
region | IBM Cloud region in which to deploy the cluster |
cluster_name | Name of the IKS cluster. Cluster name can have lower case alphabets, numbers and dash. Must start with lower case alphabet and end with alpha-numeric character. Maximum length is 32 characters. |
cluster_create_timeout | The timeout, in minutes, to wait for the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Cluster creation to complete. Default is 60 minutes. If your datacenter is slow and your deployment fails with timeout error, then deploy with an appropriate timeout value. |
resource_group_name | Name of the IBM Cloud resource group. You must have access to at least one resource group in IBM Cloud |
private_vlan_id | Virtual network that allows private communication between worker nodes in this cluster. Can be retrieved by running bx cs vlans |
public_vlan_id | Virtual network that allows secured communication between the worker nodes and the IBM-managed master node. Can be retrieved by running bx cs vlans |
subnet_id | The portable subnet to use for cluster. A list of available subnets can be retrieved by running bx cs subnets |
num_workers | Number of workers to be deployed in the cluster |
datacenter | IBM Cloud datacenter in which to create the cluster |
machine_type | Machine type for the worker node(s) |
isolation | Hardware isolation ('shared', 'dedicated' or 'baremetal') |
kube_version | Kubernetes version for the cluster. Specify 'latest' for the most recent kubernetes version supported by the Kubernetes Service, or a version number in the X.Y[.Z] format (e.g. 1.13 or 1.13.5). The most recent maintenance release for the specified version will be selected. |
deploy_tiller | Indicates whether tiller should be deployed into Kubernetes cluster |
helm_version | Helm version to be used to deploy the tiller into the Kubernetes cluster. Provide the version in the Major.Minor.Patch format. |