This is the repository for the Terraform NSV Provider, which one can use with Terraform to work with VMware NSX-V.
For general information about Terraform, visit the official website and the GitHub project page.
Documentation on the NSX platform can be found at the NSX-V Documentation page
This provider is tested only on Terraform 0.11.x and 0.12.x.
In order to reduce the security risk build this provider using the latest version of golang. You may also need to upgrade the version of required modules in go.mod and regenerate the go.sum for any security issues. This provider depends on govnsx. You would have to first update the govnsx to get the latest security fixes for govnsx before rebuilding the provider. For more details on how to rebuild govnsx see govnsx readme file
Before rebuilding this, you should rebuild govnsx.
- export NSXV_VERSION=v1.0.2
- mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
- git clone -b $NSXV_VERSION
- cd $GOPATH/src/
- $GO_BIN_LOCATION/go mod tidy
- $GO_BIN_LOCATION/go install