A customizable solution for automatic text field formatting and masking in Android applications. The AutoFormatEditText component extends from AppCompatEditText and handles the automatic real-time formatting of content such as dates, credit card numbers, and phone numbers. For behavior more complex than can be achieved with AutoFormatEditText, you can create your own MaskingInputFilter.
app:inputMaskPlaceholder="#" />
Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your project build.gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2: Add the desired version as a dependency in your app build.gradle file (see badge for the latest stable version)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.IBM:auto-format-edit-text:1.0.2-beta'
The following describes in more detail all custom attributes associated with FormattedInputEditText (extends AppCompatEditText):
- onFormattedValueChanged - Binding for FormattedInputEditText.FormattedTextChangedListener interface. Callback occurs when the formatted text (text visible to the user) changes value.
- onUnformattedValueChanged - Binding for FormattedInputEditText.UnformattedValueListener interface. Callback occurs when the unformatted or "raw" form of the text changes value. For example, a date entered with the format ##/##/#### and the text 07/19/1993 would have an unformatted value of 07191993.
- hideModeEnabled - A boolean attribute specifying whether the edit text should hide its value and instead show a formatted replacement text.
The following describes in more detail all custom attributes associated with AutoFormatEditText (extends FormattedInputEditText):
- inputMask - A template for the format of text inputed into the edit text. Slots for a user's input characters are denoted by a placeholder. All other characters are literal and are inserted as the text changes. For example, a date format might be ##/##/####
- inputMaskPlaceholder - An optional attribute specifying the character used by the input mask to represent the user's input (default is #). This attribute does not support data binding.
- shiftModeEnabled - An optional boolean attribute controlling the manner in which the edit text responds to backspacing while the cursor is in front characters that are mandated by the input mask. Backspacing will either shift the cursor to the left by one space or remove the next available character. This attribute is false by default.
- hideModeFormat - An optional attribute for a format that determines the appearance of text while in hide mode. Individual characters of the unformatted text can be referenced by index.
AutoFormatEditText accepts a mask string that defines the behavior of text as entered into the edit text. However, you can also define your own MaskingInputFilter on any FormattedEditText. For example:
new FormattedEditText.MaskingInputFilter() {
public EditTextState filter(String textBefore, String textAfter,
int selectionStart, int selectionLength, int replacementLength) {
If you would like to see the detailed LICENSE click here.
- Author: Carl Montgomery carl.montgomery@ibm.com or carljmont@gmail.com
Copyright:: 2020- IBM, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.